The martial arts have gained a lot of popularity in the western world. Since the famed Bruce Lee introduced the public to his unique form of martial...
Speaking multiple languages is a skill we all want to have. Speaking multiple languages can help you learn about foreign and new cultures. And you feel like a...
The biggest music awards of the year were nothing short of a party. The 2015 MTV Video Music Awards was a surprise affair when the music industry’s...
Jon Hamm Jon Hamm’s life and fortune took a steep turn when the role of Don Draper came into his life. mad MenJon changed his life and...
They say the more fans you have, the more popular you are. When fans don’t like a celebrity, the creative team behind movies knows that a movie...
When we see our favorite stars at their peak, it’s hard to fathom that once they’re like us, they’re normal people with regular problems. Before they lived...
Bill Cosby Famous comedian Bill Cosby, who is 78 years old, lost his son who was only 27 at the time. While comedians are known to lead...
The multi-talent of celebrities is not new at all. There have been countless musicians who have made it big as actors. Then there’s a case of stand-up comedians...
Since the beginning of their respective careers, many musicians have known that they are under the influence or in a not so fortunate state when making...
The debate about the existence of God has existed since there has been organized religion. While the majority of humanity firmly and passionately believes in the existence...
Every actor has that one special role for which they would always be remembered. That one special role made him a cult figure and helped him break...
When we look at a celebrity, it’s very natural to think that they had everything easy. On the contrary, many celebrities faced drastic childhood issues that led...
It’s not every day you hear about celebrities who were also inventors. Inventors play a very important role in our lives and the way innovations based on...
Long before they became the world’s leading lights in the music industry, many famous musicians had to endure the struggle that every would-be artist suffers. They had...
The celebrities have everything. They are rich, beautiful and have millions upon their lives. In addition, they have a luxurious lifestyle, live in beautiful houses and have an...
We meet different people in all walks of life. Who knows, they’ll come with their own luggage. Such people make everyday life difficult. Especially in a professional industry, they...