People should know the great American novelwriter. You absolutely need to know the best results of the last decade and find out their best work. Anyone can choose...
There are some aspects of the day-to-day celebrity life that we absolutely love and dream of being in our own boring lives. And then there are certain...
The celebrity world offers many opportunities that are not easily accessible. For example, numerous successful rappers are interested in becoming actors and thus enter Hollywood movie glamour. Of...
Wrestling has always been a household name, and it would have stayed the same if a visionary and savvy businessman named Vince McMahon hadn’t acquired the...
Standing on their high pedestal, most celebrities seem to have done everything right. They have lots of money, mansions, expensive supercars and a privileged and spoiled lifestyle. In...
A good physique is a prerequisite for going big in WWE, unless like Rey Mysterio you have some crazy acrobatic skills in your arsenal. The most important...
To look like Chris Hemsworth , Thor Henry Cavill in Man of Steel or Christian Bale in Dark Knight requires some insanely heavy lifting along with dedicated recovery and clean calories...
Motivation to exercise doesn’t come easily to everyone. It’s so much easier to burn the couch to watch a movie than it is to run or even...
It’s rare that you succeed at anything unless you have the strong will to create something. Many musicians have faced a range of hearing problems, but some...
Over the years, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has taken countless actions to promote their vision of vegetarianism. Every year they release calendars featuring...
Soccer is one of the richest sports in the world. The income from broadcasting rights, countless sponsors, gate receipts and merchandise have made it an extremely lucrative...
In the last decade, female athletes have started to get wide coverage. Your contributions and benefits will no longer be dismissed with a wave of the hand. The...
Sport brings tremendous financial benefits, and millions of dollars can be made overnight. Owning a team of talented athletes in professional sports is an expensive and luxurious...
Modern lifestyle has become more and morestressful and hectic. The amount of things you need to fit into a day has increased drastically. Almost everything has to be...
Although it is a natural phenomenon, it is deathly painful and discouraging for everyone. It is an aspect of human existence that is most hated and feared. In...
Bradley Cooper Recent Earnings: He earned $46 million last year to reach a total fortune of $60 million by the age of 40. Cooper managed big commercial...