“Whenever you come home, you catch me in the kitchen…”. The image of Elena Santonja between the stoves will forever accompany a whole generation of Spaniards. The forerunner...
Although he has been close to Mars and the Moon, and traveled aboard the Prometheus ship, this actor with oriental features has his feet on the...
She has become an icon of a certain type of woman, independent and determined, but immersed in the typical doubts of modernity, through her artistic association...
His career grew thanks to the patronage of Sergio Leone, and how he is remembered above all for his spaghetti-westerns, especially the one that responded to...
With his filmography, one could trace the history of the fight for the civil rights of African-Americans. Although David Oyelowo is worth that and much more. Born...
Few characters in sitcoms have left as much of an impression as the protagonists of “Friends”, all six of them as brilliant as the naive Phoebe...
For Haley Bennett, 2016 will always be the year in which her acting career took the big leap to fame. Two renowned jobs have been enough for...
His face has been familiar to the moviegoer for many years. Little by little, accustomed to problematic roles, Ben Foster has managed to gain a foothold in...
Model and actress since she was a teenager, her spectacular physique is not one of those that goes unnoticed, it is impossible not to notice this...
The daughter of famous parents, Lily-Rose has had to bear the weight of media overexposure, while approaching the age of majority when she has to make...
Claire Foy’s acting career has just been crowned with her extraordinary works as Anne Boleyn in “Wolf Hall”, and, above all, as Queen Elizabeth II in...
Gina Rodriguez will never disengage from the leading role of “Jane the Virgin”, but thanks to him she has won the hearts of fans of the...
The most veteran viewers will remember Dr. Bombay, the witch doctor distinguishable by his top hat in “Charmed”, the sitcom that was successful between 1964 and...
A stunning blonde specializing in playing women with strong personalities, she began as a showgirl and became one of the biggest Hollywood stars of the 1950s....
“Final Cut” was the title of the film project that Eliseo Subiela was working on when he died on Christmas Day 2016, at the age of...
An actress of great freshness and naturalness, her presence in Singing in the Rain already justifies a special place for her in the history of cinema. One day after...