By Hollywood standards, he may be the ideal filmmaker: commercial cinema with flashy visual effects, and the logic of the script’s narrative well caught. Robert Zemeckis is...
With Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Adrian Lyne and Hugh Hudson, he is part of a generation of visually powerful British directors who hail from the world...
He has gone down in Film History as a mentor to Clint Eastwood, with whom he made five films. But long before meeting him, Don Siegel had...
Josef von Sternberg is among the great classics of American and world cinema. (Vienna, May 29, 1894 – Los Angeles, December 22, 1969). He was a master of...
Despite not having had many big leading roles, Bruce Greenwood is one of those perpetual actors who appears in the credits of a movie time after...
1957. Oscar ceremony. “And the winner in the best screenplay category is Robert Rich, for El bravo .” No one goes on stage to pick it up, which stumps the...
After leaving his mark in the field of ‘film noir’ with two films, he turned to intimate drama, which was his great specialty. He knew how to...
It is not easy to determine if Nadine Velazquez is destined to be a high-flying actress, but no one can deny the beauty of this attractive...
With a long career in the world of animation, carrying out multitasking work, Hiroyuki Okiura has excelled, and for good reason, with two films as a...
The 70s were the golden age of Richard Dreyfuss. Steven Spielberg brought him to fame at a very young age and, a little later, he himself would...
Knowing how to be in the right place, time and movie is an art that Scott Glenn has mastered. The 1980s and 1990s saw his face appear...
For years he enjoyed fame and money for his role as Detective Carter in the “Rush Hour” saga, after which he disappeared from the big screen. After...
Alicia Rhett, one of the last members of the cast of “Gone with the Wind”, who was still alive, died on January 3, 2014, at the...
She didn’t make many memorable movies, but the 1950s was enough for moviegoers to forget the feminine naturalness of her sweet face, which inspired kindness. She passed...
In the cinema, youth generally triumphs, and although many maintain stardom until an advanced age, it is not usual for actors who are already of a...
He started acting at the age of 8 and when he was barely over 20, John Lennon, Charles Chaplin, a peculiar superhero and even Keira Knightley’s...