Daniel Radcliffe and Harry Potter, for millions of people, merge into the same person. But from 2011, after a decade composing the character, the actor will have...
Her film experience began with the Harry Potter saga, and has spanned over a decade, during which time she has transitioned from girl to woman. Emma Watson...
When the physically most exuberant actresses tend to succeed in the cinema, Ariadna Gil has shown the importance of expressiveness and good work. This actress with slanted...
His performances are always intense and brilliant even if the film is not far behind. Thanks to that, her shy appearance and her deep gaze, Pilar...
Her natural elegance and spectacular beauty make her a great choice to play idealized and unreal women. Aitana Sánchez Gijón looks for literary or theatrical adaptations and...
A television little doctor has been her calling card to become the new queen of American comedy. The camera adores Katherine Heigl, although perhaps she would appreciate...
Her stunning beauty and air of a mysterious woman made her the ideal actress for vampire movies. Ingrid Pitt was one of the icons of the golden...
Actress of great interpretive versatility. Capable of embodying women of all kinds, she has succeeded both in very Spanish-style comedies and in high-tension dramatic films. Regarding his...
It is never late if happiness is good. Of course, the case of Belén Rueda is not that of an actress who triumphed as a child or...
The laughter has turned into tears. Weep for the death of the parody actor of the movies par excellence, Leslie Nielsen, who died yesterday, Sunday, November 28,...
Good actors are capable of interpreting any character regardless of their age, physical appearance or gender. This is the case of Blanca Portillo, for whom it is...
He was not considered a cult filmmaker, far from it. But he was a fairly competent filmmaker who has given moviegoers of several generations a good time. Curiously,...
Elena Anaya has managed to be one of the most successful actresses thanks to her risky career. Since the beginning of it, she has shown that she...
Sad news for movie lovers. The great Italian director Mario Monicelli committed suicide yesterday, Monday, November 29, by throwing himself from the window of the hospital in...
Since its inception, Ana Fernández has built a solid film career without attracting attention. His thing is discreet, professional work, with a fondness for very sober and...
She is beautiful to rage. And she is not a bad actress, not bad at all, it is fair to admit it. So that she reached stardom in...