He was the idol of the cameras in the happy and wild years of tight pants, turtleneck nikis and big sideburns. No one like him embodies the...
Almost two decades ago, Bale the boy, that beardless man who dreamed of becoming an aviator in Empire of the Sun , left excellent memories with moviegoers. Many thought...
Her hoarse voice gave her a strong personality that made her a favorite with viewers. Jean Arthur was like a ray of light and hope that illuminated...
Natural. An ordinary guy. Federico Fellini came up with the definition of Marcello Mastroianni’s way of working: “An actor who adapts perfectly to what I want from him,...
Stubborn and vital, with a naive point. This was the case with many of James Cagney’s characters, an immense actor who abhorred the typecasting that his gangster...
Lucky or misfortune? The blonde actress became famous for a leg crossing that appealed to the testosterone of the male staff. In return, she was stuck with the...
“They say that playing bad guys is hard, but I think playing good characters is much harder, because you have to make them interesting,” the legendary...
Tolkien defines Galadriel, a key character in The Lord of the Rings , as a beauty capable of dazzling those around her. So much so that any actress who tried...
Highest representative of the illustrious British school, Jeremy Irons is one of the most versatile actors on the current scene. There are no common traits in his...
The worst thing that could happen to him: becoming a star. If Ava Gardner destroyed herself with alcohol, Mickey Rourke chose the fast track of drugs; and he...
His thing was to arrive and kiss the saint. Or rather, kiss the Virgin, since her first leading role, that of the young seer of Lourdes in La...
Edison invented the movie and the Lumière brothers invented public screenings. Technical aspects aside, Méliès was the inventor of cinema conceived as a great spectacle, and the...
William Wyler . John Ford said of him that “he could not be persuaded that perfection was unattainable.” He will always be accompanied by the legend of being the...
The Japanese filmmaker said of himself: “me minus films equals zero”. He gave himself so much when it came to making movies. Although as with anyone, the life...
He wasn’t one of those method actors with amazing transformation skills, nor did he need to. Well, Gary Cooper combined his immense charisma with an enviable naturalness. He...
Two great stages divide the career of one of the greatest stars of all time. In his early days, Burt Lancaster’s unrepeatable smile became a symbol of...