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Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson fitness and diet secrets



World’s Strongest Man Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson , affectionately called “Thor” by friends and “The Mountain” by his fans because he is considered by many to be a fitness icon in Game of Thrones . He believes the secrets to his strong body are proper exercise and dietary habits. He burns 10,000 calories a day and burns most of it through regular exercise. If you want to know more, scroll down for the fitness and diet secrets of the world’s strongest man, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson.

The iconic win

The 400-pound athlete attempted the World’s Strongest Man 8 times and was placed 3 times and also third, securing second place three times before winning the title in 2018. On his win, he said he always knew in his heart that he would win the title of The World’s Strongest Man . He went on to say that you can’t be the best if you don’t put your heart into what you do.

Favorite exercise

The actor has said that deadlifting is his passion and no one, having seen him deadlift 1,041 pounds (which is a world record, by the way) in March 2018, can argue with that. He loves deadlifts so much that he got a tattoo on his right shin appreciating deadlifts and marking the words of Jón Páll Sigmarsson, four times The World’s Strongest Man that goes like “There’s no reason to be alive, if you can’t deadlift.”

Diet Secrets

If you want to stay in shape and be strong, Bjornsson insists you watch your diet. He does this by eating 6 meals a day. Meals include healthy options like steak, rice, carrots, chicken, and peppers. He eats every 2 hours and is never hungry. Eating constantly and exercising are his biggest fitness secrets.

His daily meals are created by Stan Efferding, his trainer and professional powerlifter, also known as “The Rhino”. The meals are designed to ensure the Got star recovers after grueling workouts, which he must do to maintain his position from The World’s Strongest Man .

Workouts aren’t the only thing

Hafþór Júlíus believes in a varied workout to stay strong and insists endurance, quick feet and competing in basketball have also helped him to be so strong.

rest is important

He also said that rest is important if you want your entire workout to be visible, because resting gives your body a chance to respond to the workout. So don’t forget to rest after the strenuous workouts.

Training program for Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson fans

If you want to train like the fitness icon, you should focus on deadlifts. An ideal solution would be to go for lighter weights with paused deadlifts as it benefits your lower body, lower back and core. After you get the hang of it, add 4 sets of low reps to the workout and make sure you’re hitting form before attempting to lift massive loads.

A workout routine you can try is here:

  • 4 sets of 4-6 reps of Dumbbell Cuban Press
  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions of Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
  • 10 minute drop set challenge