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#GazaUnderAttack: More tension as reporter predicts collapse of Gaza building on air and it happens

In a live broadcast from the Gaza Strip, Al-Jazeera journalist Youmna Al Sayed predicted that a tower behind her would soon collapse after warning shots were fired at it.



#GazaUnderAttack: More tension as reporter predicts collapse of Gaza building on air and it happen

In a live broadcast from the Gaza Strip, Al-Jazeera journalist Youmna Al Sayed predicted that a tower behind her would soon collapse after warning shots were fired at it.

Recall that we earlier reported that no fewer than 24 Palestinians including nine children were killed on Tuesday morning by Israeli warplane strikes, in Gaza after Hamas fired rockets at Israel in response to clashes in Jerusalem this week.

Meanwhile, midway through the broadcast, the building was struck by Israeli forces and came tumbling down, engulfed in flames.

“Right now there were a couple of missiles that were warning missiles. And right now they should be starting to bring down the entire tower,” El Sayed said in the clip.

Seconds later, a loud explosion can be heard followed by the collapse of the building. “Oh my god, yes, yes, I need to go down,” the reporter yelled out as she vacated the area.

According to the journalist, the 14-story building, called Al Shakur, held most of Gaza’s media offices. The incident comes amid an ongoing bombardment of Gaza by Israeli forces, which has led to the killing of 56 Palestinians, including nine children, according to Gazan officials.

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