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Celebrity Biographies

Gary Coleman



Kidney problems were joined by a domestic accident that has finally ended the life of Gary Coleman. The “little” actor achieved fame thanks to the likeable  Arnold  who was on the air for 8 seasons.

Gary Coleman  was born on February 8, 1968 in Zion (Illinois) and died on May 28, 2010 in Provo (Utah). Coleman was 1.42m tall. due to congenital kidney disease. This disease forced him to receive two transplants in addition to undergoing dialysis. Coleman rose to fame in 1978 thanks to the television series Arnold. In this sitcom Coleman gave life to the character that gave the title its name, a black boy adopted by a white New York millionaire. In those days it was normal for Coleman to be so short, because he was just a kid. But the 8 seasons that the series lasted showed that Arnold was not going to grow anymore. His famous phrase “what’s going on?”, His constant grimaces and his tender cheeks, made him one of the most endearing and beloved characters on the small screen. Coleman made half the world laugh and his charisma took him to the top. But when all that ended, the dark history of this actor began.

Coleman sued his parents and manager for taking money he had earned while working on the series. His parents always denied it but the fact is that Gary has died after decades without speaking to them. On several occasions he also had problems with the law for violent episodes – including one with his wife, Shannon Price, whom he married in 2007. He also became news when he ran for governor of California in 2003. And the fact is that the actor led a very peculiar life. Coleman was a security guard for many years to earn a living. actor  jamie kennedy she met him while he had this job. She claims that she was not complaining about his luck. According to Kennedy, Coleman was happy and told him that life was like that and that you had to be prepared because anything could happen to you when you least expected it.

The fact is that it never went unnoticed by the press, although after  Arnold ‘s success  it was not usually to speak well of him. He has now passed away in a Utah hospital. The cause of death has not been made public. Coleman’s wife has requested it. It is known that the facts continue to be investigated, since Coleman had been admitted to the hospital days before after suffering a domestic accident that has not been specified either.

Following the success of  Arnold , Coleman has continued to work until his death. He has participated in individual chapters of numerous series such as  Married with Children  and in a film of little importance such as  An American Carol , but not enough to make a living from it, hence he had to resort to other sources of income to stay afloat. 
