100 Funny Nigerian Quotes That Will Make You Laugh Hard
Laughter is the best medicine and Nigerians are reputed to be humorous and outgoing individuals. Check out some of the funniest Nigerian inspiring quotes.

Laughter is the best medicine that lengthens your life span. Since Nigerians are reputed to be humorous and outgoing individuals, we have compiled some of the most humorous Nigerian inspiring quotes.
Nigerians are reputed to be hilarious and outgoing individuals. For a serotonin boost, look no further than these humorous Nigerian inspirational quotes. These sayings will make you feel happy, peaceful, and even focused while illuminating your face and spirit. In addition, laughter is the best medication because it lengthens your life.
Each person is solely responsible for ensuring his or her own happiness. Here are some inspirational quotes to lift your spirits and aid in lifting your despair. Your body will certainly sway with laughter as you read these funny and inspirational quotes.
Funny Nigerian Quotes
1. A man who swallows a whole coconut has complete faith in his anus.
2. No matter how much the buttocks are in a hurry, they will always remain behind.
3. Yansh no get razor but he dey cut the shit.
4. Nigeria was never on the map when God said, “Let there be light….”
5. Drinking garri does not mean you’re poor but allowing your garri to soak is poverty.
6. Sapa good one, even what goes around no see transport come back.
7. Never open the door for an Armed Robber, let them break it, it’s part of their job.
8. One Man’s food is every other man’s food, just because one idiot refuses to eat it doesn’t make it poison.
9. He who says nothing last forever has never tried Hausa perfume.
10. He who runs around looking for scissors to cut Indomie seasoning sachets is not yet hungry.
11. Of course, if women ruled the whole world, there would be no wars because it would be just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other.
12. A child can play with its mother’s breasts, but not its father’s testicles.
13. There is no greater injustice than when the anus farts, the head receives a knock.
14. God made everything that has life; everything else is made in China.
15. The frown on the face of a goat will not stop it from being priced in the market.
Nigerian Quotes of Wisdom
16. Treat every part of your towel nicely because the part that wipes your yansh today will wipe your face tomorrow.
17. I’m not lazy, I just rest before I get tired.
18. It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool.
19. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
20. Stupidity is what we all have in common as human beings, but some people insist that improving it is their entitlement.
21. If people have a problem with you, always remember that it is THEIR problem.
22. Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.
23. Sometimes you have to play the role of a fool to fool the fools who think they are fooling you.
24. A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone.
25. The wolf on the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill.
26. It requires a lot of carefulness to kill the fly that perches on the scrotum.
27. Snails don’t venture where horned animals gather.
Motivational Nigerian Quotes
28. My brother hustle oh!! Make you no come dey explain the nutritional value of stale soup to your children! – Sound Sultan.
29. Never allow the perception of others to play a substantial part in your own vision of yourself and your future. – Jim Ovia.
falling down is inevitable but getting back up is optional.
30. You can appreciate sunshine if you have never been through heavy rain.
31. Cut out the noise, focus on doing the right thing, making an impact in opening doors for others to come.
32. Your speed in life is mostly determined by what is chasing you.
33. If you don’t have ambition, you shouldn’t be alive.
34. No African girl will choose six-packs over six cars. So my sons stop the gym and work hard. – Pete Edochie.
35. More than education, connection, or chance, clarity of purpose is what you need to succeed. – Reno Omokri.
36. Your desire to succeed should be greater than your fear of failure. Push on, you can make it! – Dino Melaye.
37. A beautiful life does not just happen; it is built.
38. Impossibility only happens in the brain. – Tony Elumelu.
Funny Nigerian quotes about Love
39. The buttocks are like a married couple though there is constant friction between them, they will still love and live together.
40. Marriage is like a nut, you don’t get to know what is inside till you crack it
41. It’s better to fall from a tree and break your back than to fall in love and break your heart.
42. A man in love is incomplete until he has married, then he’s finished.
43. You can never be wise and be in love at the same time.
44. Having a female as a best friend is like having chicken for a pet, you will eat it someday.
45. When a girl has beauty without brains, the private part suffers the most.
46. Girls are like mangoes, once you are waiting for them to ripe, others are eating them with salt.
47. He who says nothing last forever has never tried Hausa perfume.
48. When you have eight tribal marks with stretch marks scattered all over your body, you still want to add tattoos.
49. He who runs around looking for scissors to cut Indomie seasoning sachets is not yet hungry.
50. Of course, if women ruled the whole world, there would be no wars because it would be just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other.
51. Nigeria was never on the map when God said, “Let there be light….”
52. Any man who drinks Alomo bitters without squeezing up his face is capable of murder.
53. What is your mission when you are stuck with an engagement ring for five years? To become the lord of the rings?
54. He who fully unwraps a Sharwama completely before eating it cannot keep a secret.
55. Any man that uses his teeth to cut shaki from pepper soup with his eyes wide open is not afraid of anything.
56. When you keep taking pictures inside various cars, you expect your man to believe you are not cheating. Who exactly are you, a mechanic?
57. I am not 40; I’m eighteen with 22 years of experience.
58. God made everything that has life; everything else is made in China.
59. I am not lazy; I just rest before I get tired.
60. When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in someone’s eyes.
61. Only a courageous woman can fry a bunch of plantain without tasting any.
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