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FCMB reduces unemployment gap with internship programme

According to a statement, the bank disclosed the information at the induction and certificate presentation for 2022 Flexxtern…



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First City Monument Bank has announced that it gave 30 new graduates, aged 18 to 30, the chance to gain job experience through its yearly internship program in an effort to fulfill its obligation to help close the unemployment gap.

According to a statement, the bank disclosed the information at the induction and certificate presentation for the 2022 Flexxtern participants in Lagos.

Felicia Obozuwa, Divisional Head, Corporate Services & Service Management, FCMB, reaffirmed the bank’s commitment to advocating and carrying out programs that elevate and prepare young people for the future of their ambitions during her remarks at the induction ceremony.

“We are proud of our Flexxtern success stories and the incredible number of young people who have taken advantage of it to start up enviable careers with FCMB and our amazing partners.”

Obozuwa continued by saying that the business is hopeful that the intern program and similar initiatives would contribute to the development of Nigeria’s pipeline for future leaders.

Group Head for Corporate Affairs at the Bank, Diran Olojo, encouraged the participants during a conversation to take advantage of the program’s opportunities to advance their careers.

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You now have a powerful platform to market yourself to potential employers thanks to FCMB and its partners, giving you the advantage over competing applicants. So, we implore you to take advantage of this chance to realize your full potential.

In a similar vein, Shamsideen Fashola, Divisional Head of Personal Banking, FCMB, noted that the program aids in young people’s transition from education to the workforce, especially in aiding recent graduates in finding their feet.

“We are excited that this project has been very impactful. Nearly all the beneficiaries of our Flexxtern program have either remained with the organizations that took them or have moved on to achieve greater things for themselves. We look forward to doing more in the nearest future’’.

Participants in the 2022 program will have the chance to work in a temporary position with FCMB or one of its partners, including MainOne, Insight Publicis, Olanihun Ajayi LP, Signal Alliance Technology Holding, and others, in a field related to their academic interests or career goals, the bank claims.

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