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Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods in The World (2022)
Dangerous Foods in The World: We wouldn’t want to meet you in a shady alley if you habitually consume some of these lethal foods…

Dangerous Foods in The World: We wouldn’t want to meet you in a shady alley if you habitually consume some of these lethal foods since you are what you eat.
You might believe you are familiar with all the risks and dangers of traveling. Most likely, you are aware of the need to get the appropriate shots before traveling to a particular nation, to stay in areas that are well-lit and safe, and to be alert at all times.
However, what about in terms of what you eat? Do you think you’re poisoning yourself? Some dangerous foods in the world can result in anything from minor food poisoning to severe cases of death.
People enjoy eating unhealthy foods, but there is a difference between doing so and indulging in foods that could potentially kill you. The latter is best exemplified by fugu, a Japanese blowfish that sends somewhere between 35 and 65 people to the hospital yearly in Japan.
The list of the Most Dangerous Foods in The World, along with the countries where they are consumed most frequently, is shown below.
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Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods in The World
Ranking | Food | Country |
1 | Larb | Laos |
2 | Blood Clams | China |
3 | Fesikh | Egypt |
4 | Namibian Bullfrogs | Namibia |
5 | Black Elderberries | Greece |
6 | Monkey Brains | China |
7 | Fugu | Japan |
8 | Baby Octopus | Japan |
9 | Giant Jellyfish | China |
10 | Casu Marzu | Italy |
1. Larb
Raw meat salad known as larb (or laab) is the unofficial national dish of Laos and one of the most dangerous foods in the world. The choice of meat is left up to the cook’s whim, which, as you would expect, occasionally results in issues.
Two dozen people were killed by the fatal Streptococcus suis infection brought on by uncooked wild boar meat in Thailand the previous year.
12 persons in California contracted trichinellosis in 2016 after consuming raw wild boar larb. Victims who unintentionally ate worms in the meat displayed symptoms of stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Consuming raw meat of any form carries dangers, including the possibility of getting rabies if the meat comes from an animal that has been exposed to the disease.
2. Blood Clams
Another most dangerous foods in the world are blood clams. What in the world would you call a blood clam? Because, well, they bleed.
All clams bleed, but since the majority of their blood is clear, it just seems to be thick water. Blood Clams, however, have hemoglobin, which makes their blood red like ours.
Additionally, Blood Clams can transmit blood-borne illnesses including hepatitis, typhoid, and dysentery just like our blood does. They do so as a result of the high concentration of bacteria and viruses in their low-oxygen surroundings.
Blood clams filter 40 liters of seawater each day. If the water is contaminated, as it is in most of China, the clams will take these dangerous bacteria and viruses, such as those that cause hepatitis, typhoid, or dysentery, and absorb them.
3. Fesikh
The third on the list of the most dangerous foods in the world is FESIKH.
The Nile River has long been the source of life in Egypt. Its waters made it possible for people to live along its banks because of the predictable seasonal floods.
However, the Nile also brought other blessings, such as an annual harvest of decaying fish every spring as the floodwaters subsided.
Back in the days of the pharaohs, a cunning person established the connection between these tracks of dried fish and the enchantment of the flood season and determined that people should eat those fish to commemorate the spring festival. Shem al-Nissim, the name of the holiday, means “smell the breeze,” which is incongruous given the abundance of rotting fish.
People still consume the fish, also known as fesikh or feseekh, as a traditional side dish for Shem al-Nissim. No one loves it, but tradition is tradition, right?
These days, they manually rot the fish rather than waiting for them to show up. Actually, they ferment them instead, which is essentially the same thing. The fish, a mullet, is sun-dried before being submerged for 1.5 months in saltwater water.
Although the fish is still uncooked, the salt technically prevents rotting. Despite having a mushy texture beneath its gooey grey exterior, it nevertheless smells awful.
Botulism is the issue in this case. The botulism germs can have a field day if there isn’t enough salt or if some of the fish did start to decay, ruining everyone’s spring festival.
A nerve poison known as botulism paralyzes muscles. Its signs resemble those of a stroke. It can kill you, but an antitoxin can also be used to treat it.
4. Namibian Bullfrogs
Namibian Bullfrogs may be cruel. They are violent, hungry, and huge, about the size of a house cat. Oh, and they are toxic. it is ranking fourth on the list of the most dangerous foods in the world.
When anything good wanders by, such as, say, anything that can fit into their large mouth and a few other things besides, they pounce.
Their secret is to sit absolutely still under some leaves and other things. A big tongue extends from the lower jaw, which suddenly opens, grabbing the meal and dragging it back. The prey is then retained in the frog’s mouth by some pointed parts on its jaw.
They are considered good eaters in Namibia, despite the fact that they are also considered good eaters. but only when the timing is right. You must wait until the “third rain” in that region of Africa, which is mating season.
The bullfrog’s skin and internal organs do not produce “Oshiketakata,” a toxin that leads to kidney failure, at that point. One of these enormous frogs will suffer terribly painful urinating for a while before maybe dying if you are impatient and take one too soon.
5. Black Elderberries
Another most dangerous food in the world is Elderberries.
The black elderberry is a global plant with many culinary and medicinal use as well as the ability to create a beautiful hedge. Its berries are used to make extracts, jams, pies, syrups, wine, and other baked goods.
Because the seeds—which make up roughly half of each tiny berry—contain a glycoside that triggers cyanide, a poisonous gas, they are always boiled before use. These glycosides are destroyed while cooking, making the berry safe to eat.
If you consume enough raw elderberries, your body may become toxically cyanide-loaded. If it occurs, you’ll be able to tell when nausea and diarrhea start.
However, occasionally the poisoning is especially severe. Most patients recover rather quickly. You won’t notice, though, because the coma will have already set in by then.
6. Monkey Brains
In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, do you recall the moment when they served cooled monkey brains that were still within the animal’s skull? It turns out that not only is that incredibly disgusting and somewhat harsh, but it could also cause brain disease.
One of the most dangerous foods in the world most especially in the Asian part is the consumption of monkey brains.
Monkey brains surely sound completely disgusting to many people. However, the hazards this Asian food presents are the main problem.
If you consume a monkey’s brain, you could develop Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Your brain will degenerate into mush when you get dementia and pass away as a result of this degenerative brain condition.
7. Fugu
Fugu is one of the most dangerous food in the world and no one should ever consider eating it.
In Japanese, the name for the pufferfish or blowfish is Fugu, which translates to “river pig.” But with this pig, you don’t get bacon; you get killed.
Tetrodotoxin, a potent neurotoxin utilized by the Fugu to protect themselves from predators in the wild and exact revenge on humans after they have died, is present in large amounts in the Fugu.
A pinhead’s worth of tetrodotoxin is said to be 1200 times more lethal than cyanide and will permanently banish you from the supper table. It can be safe to consume if properly prepared by a competent and skilled chef.
However, that will likely be your final meal if any tetrodotoxin-laced flesh was used in its cooking. The liver and ovaries should be particularly removed since they are extremely poisonous.
A hundred individuals are killed by improperly prepared fugu each year since 60% of those who are exposed to it pass away. To ensure that the fish was prepared correctly, a proper sushi chef should taste it before serving it, but you know.
Dangerous Foods in The World
The poison’s nervous system-damaging effects as a neurotoxin quickly stop nerves from interacting with the brain and one another. Your mouth will initially start to tingle when the nerves at the initial point of contact shut down.
Then come nausea, dizziness, and a terrible headache. Breathing becomes challenging. Then, as you start to lose control of everything, your muscles start to stiffen, and eventually, you become totally paralyzed.
The nicest aspect is that you maintain consciousness and are therefore fully mindful of your body’s betrayal.
Right up until the neurotoxic starts to work and stops your heart and lungs from working, at which point you are fully aware of what is happening and die somewhere between 20 minutes and a day later.
Your lungs will be the first to fail. If you don’t receive quick respiratory assistance, you will suffocate to death. You will undoubtedly die because there is no cure.
8. Baby Octopus
Personally, I believe that octopus eaters shouldn’t be in a man’s world. How on earth could you decide to end your life simply to discover what it is that humans shouldn’t dare to do? Despite being an unattractive animal, it is one of the most dangerous food in the world.
If you ever find yourself in Korea and want to live recklessly, order the Sannakji. Just be prepared for the fact that the food on your plate may still be moving when it comes.
You recently placed an order for a squirming octopus, which is prepared from an incredibly fresh baby octopus. It was so recent that it was still living when it was served to you raw and wiggling.
Chew thoroughly a lot, because a few people choke to death each year when one of those wriggly octopus legs gets stuck in their throat.
9. Giant Jellyfish
The second to last on the list of the most dangerous foods in the world is the Giant Jellyfish.
Approximately every 40 years, the Echizen kurage, also known as the Nomura jellyfish, would pay Japan a visit. But in recent years, they have experienced an annual influx of tens of thousands of these enormous jellyfish. It’s starting to cause some issues.
These are 500-pound, 6-foot-wide beasts, not small jellies floating around. They present significant problems for fishermen since it’s nearly difficult to drop a net without catching some, and because they sting other fish that are also trapped in the net, rendering them all inedible due to their poisonous nature.
There are a few hypotheses as to why the Echizen kurage have altered their behavior. Undoubtedly, we are to blame, and the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China, the greatest hydroelectric dam in the world, is a prime suspect.
But what should we do with so many jellyfish? Since we’re people, we’re obviously attempting to consume them. Ice cream is consumed one bowl at a time.
Cooking them will neutralize any remaining poison, allowing you to use them in a variety of meals after removing the harmful components.
Popular desserts include vanilla ice cream with jellyfish as well as a salty, sweet caramel made with sugar, starch syrup, and jellyfish powder, which is created by boiling jellyfish into a paste and then grinding it into tiny pieces.
10. Casu Marzu
Dangerous Foods in The World: When pecorino cheese is split open and left outside to attract larvae, it transforms into casu marzu, a cheese that actually takes on a life of its own.
The flies first arrive and put their eggs in it, which of course develop into larvae. Happier larvae, it turns out, because they can start gorging on delicious cheese right away. The cheese begins to deteriorate as the young bugs consume it. Whether you can believe it or not, we want this to happen.
Unsurprisingly, the cheese gets incredibly floppy and begins to leak liquid. Lagrima is the name of this fluid, but giving it a name doesn’t make it any less disgusting.
People then begin to consume the cheese. They truly do, we’re not joking. No, they also consume those squirmy white worms in addition to the fly larvae.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, let us now explain why it’s better to cover the cheese with your hand before biting into it: when you eat it, the larvae become upset and begin to jump out. Instead of crawling out, jump. around 6 inches.
Despite how awful everything is, it keeps getting worse. since ingesting the larvae does not cause them to die. Consequently, they begin hunting for a new location to reside as they finish eating the spoiled cheese they once called home. You can probably predict where they decide since they are inside you.
Even though it felt strange when the larvae went down your throat, it feels far worse as they begin to bore through your intestinal walls.
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Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods in The World
Here is a summary list of the most Dangerous Foods in The World
- Larb
- Blood Clams
- Fesikh
- Namibian Bullfrogs
- Elderberries
- Monkey Brains
- Fugu
- Baby Octopus
- Giant Jellyfish
- Casu Marzu