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Celebrity Biographies

Dan Hicks



He was one of Sam Raimi’s stable actors. Danny Hicks  died in California at age 68, on June 30, 2020, as a result of cancer. Due to his economic precariousness, his fans had organized a collection on the GoFundMe website in the last months of his life to pay for his medical bills.

Born in Pontiac (Michigan), on July 19, 1951, Daniel Hicks had not considered starting a professional career as an actor, but he appeared in Detroit for a casting organized by Sam Raimi in 1987 to play Jake, one of the townspeople. they arrive at the abandoned cabin in the woods, where he mistakes the protagonist, Ash, for a murderer, in Terrifyingly Dead . Apparently, the director was desperate because he could not find anyone with the appearance that he expected for this character, so he was about to embody him on the screen.  

He did not plan to act again, but shortly after he was recruited for an amateur play, in his hometown. Raimi starred as Dan Hicks again , in  Darkman , Spider-Man 2  , and  Oz: A World of Fantasy In addition, he appeared in other B-horror films, such as Maniac Cop and Trespasser , and was joined by Wes Craven with Robert Englund in Wishmaster , and shared the screen again with Bruce Campbell , lead actor in Terrifyingly Dead , in the delirious Insane  possession .

In principle he was also going to be one of the protagonists of From Dusk Till Dawn, but the director, Robert Rodríguez , had a stroke of luck and managed to convince George Clooney for the role, so he did without him. “My 68 years have given me a lot to live for,” he declared shortly before his death.
