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Countries with the Lowest Crime Rate in the world (Top 5)
Most of the countries with the lowest crime rate in the world are among the world’s most powerful nations. Here’s our Top 5 list for 2022.

Nowhere is ultimately safe in this world, the rate of crimes varies from country to country and has been influenced by many factors which threaten their safety.
Cybercrime and online fraud have been the most popular hit of crimes in the world, while high poverty levels and unemployment also tend to inflate the rate of crimes in the world.
According to verified reports, there is a strong correlation between age and crime, with most crimes (especially violent crimes) being committed by those aged 20-30 years.
The crime rate all over the world is calculated by dividing the total number of reported crimes of any kind by the total population and then multiplying the result by 100,000.
In this article, we will highlight the Top 5 Countries with the lowest crime rates.
1. Germany
In Germany’s crime rate as of 2010, statistics show that up to 5.93 million criminal acts were committed, which was lower than in 2009. According to the Interior Ministry, the figure had not fallen below six million offences since 1991. In 2021, the stat shows the crime rate in Germany to have fallen to 25.12%.
Meanwhile, Germany is one of the most powerful countries in the world.
2. Italy
Italy is most notorious for its organised crime groups, present all over the world, known as the Italian mafia. The country holds the 8th position in Europe in regards to the number of law enforcement.
Meanwhile, 2020 stats show that the crime rate in Italy has fallen to -9.95%.
3. China
China, which was established in 1949, underwent the process of transferring the means of production to common ownership from 1949 to 1956. The government is trying to crack down the criminal activity which led to a decrease in crime. The stats show china only has -6.26% crime rate as of 2020.
4. Indonesia
In Indonesia, petty crimes like snatch theft and pocket picking usually take place in locations with many people. However, there are also advanced crimes like taxi scams where fake taxis are passed off as real ones. The stats as of 2020 shows Indonesia’s crime rate has fallen to -5.6%.
5. Japan
Crime in Japan has been recorded since at least the 1800s and has varied over time. In 1990, three large syndicates (Yamaguchi-Gumi, Sumiyoshi-kai, and Inagawa-kai) dominated organised crime in the nation.
According to stats, however, the crime rate shows that Japan has 0.04% as of 2020.
Now that you know countries with the lowest crime rate in the world, you might also want to know the Top 10 countries with the highest crime rate.