He was one of the great stars of Egypt, and of the Arab world. Heartthrob with a melancholic smile, with a reputation as an incorrigible seducer, Omar...
He will be remembered for having written the boldest and most severe account of the 1960s in the United States, a time of immaculate suits and...
Elisabeth Moss is the actress behind Peggy Olson, one of the most interesting characters in “Mad Men.” Far from pigeonholing her, this role has allowed her to...
Peter Stormare is a subscriber to supporting roles. Recognized worldwide for the number of movies in which he has been seen, he moves like a fish in...
Elegant, natural, with a certain sophisticated air that never seems artificial, she combines well two traits that would be said to be contradictory, fragile and strong. The...
There are those who understand cinema as an aesthetic party, as an audiovisual delight full of lights and music that does not have to reflect reality. Rob...
With a talent capable of dazzling her stunning and hypnotic beauty, this blonde with blue eyes and Swedish-Andalusian blood guides her career at a hectic pace. Ingrid...
Although with a long career in film and television, always with small roles, his name is forever linked to the first installment of “The Godfather”, where...
If we talk about modern animated cinema, a name comes to mind. Yes, it’s Pete Docter. The worlds and characters created by this genius are already Pixar history. Docter...
Crazy, bloody, improbable and funny sequences. This is how the cinema of this young but experienced director whose stamp is well recognized is remembered. Vaughn is an expert...
Taylor Kitsch is a strong and mysterious guy, one of those capable of stopping a fight with a simple gesture. He has worked in both film and...
Drops on hands, bloody fingers, sweat-soaked T-shirts, and a drum solo that would take Buddy Rich’s breath away. This is Andrew, the character who has given this...
Theodore Bikel, actor of Broadway musicals, and regular supporting actor in film and television, has passed away in Los Angeles at the advanced age of 91. He...
At the age of 84 he died of lung cancer in his native New York EL Doctorow, a prestigious writer whose work was brought to the...
The Spanish actor José Sazatornil, familiarly known as “Saza”, has died in Madrid at the age of 89, on July 23, 2015. Celebrated for his comedic...
She is attractive and intelligent, and has character. She is Olivia Munn and it is Sloan Sabbith, the character from “The Newsroom” that has made her known. Her...