We are used to seeing him in crazy movies, with surreal humor, but he has managed to captivate a large audience with his likeable and always...
Film fans remember Farley Granger mostly for her work with Alfred Hitchcock, with whom she filmed The Rope and Strangers on a Train . The actor passed away on Sunday March...
Just for her roles under the orders of John Ford and Alfred Hitchcock, she could already be considered one of the greats. But it is also that...
Barbra Streisand is what is called a complete artist. Capable of giving her best in her multiple creative facets, this woman of character and prodigious voice has...
Margaret Pellegrini was one of the last three survivors of the Munchkins, played by more than 100 theater and circus dwarfs, in “The Wizard of Oz,”...
Specialist in the craziest comedies, he created many of the most outrageous gags in film history. And still, Blake Edwards had time to prove his worth for...
Night falls on Manhattan. A great filmmaker has died, a director of race, who tackled like no one else the corruption of the police and judicial system...
He has never done properly leading roles. But her pleasant presence and her sympathy have made her a secondary school that never disappoints. It is to be hoped...
Her luminous look, her acting qualities and an enviable figure without being anorexic have made her one of the most successful actresses of the moment, especially...
Liv Tyler is one of the most photogenic young women of the moment. She falls in love with her with her look and her work is always...
She is known more as a singer than as an actress, but in cinema she has enjoyed success with Dos locos y muchas curvas . And while Jessica Simpson...
For those who lived through the 80s, Kim Basinger is a legend. The passage of time has been very good for her, as she has grown as...
Come on, little hand. Salma Hayek is an example of a working woman, who has been able to take advantage of the exoticism of her Latin features...
Blonde and languid, she has something angelic about her, or a Madonna or a Venus of the Renaissance. Julie Delpy is one of those who thinks that...
It will be forever, no matter what rolls, Amelie Poulain, although she has shown her versatility for very different roles. Audrey Tautou became an icon of French...
The case of the beautiful Sienna Miller is at least curious. Cannon fodder for frivolous films, the fact is that the actress has been quite demanding when...