His meeting with Daniel Sánchez Arévalo made him one of the most promising Spanish actors. From the beginning of his career, Raúl Arévalo more than demonstrated that...
Jill Clayburgh stood out not only in the cinema but also in the New York theater. The protagonist of A married woman passed away on November 5, 2010 in...
Dark-haired, handsome, with undoubted magnetism. His career has only just begun, but he has the wood to consolidate himself as a youthful actor with charisma. Rafael Hugo...
A young face of Spanish cinema, he has grown up in front of the camera and has managed to mature in his roles, where he plays,...
Jim Kelly remains in the memory of fans of martial arts cinema, because he was the fighter with an African-American hairstyle in “Operation Dragon”, where he...
An acid and sarcastic filmmaker, he has described better than anyone, in a tone close to surrealism, the typically Spanish character. His most classic comedies are still...
Mature actor with the everlasting appearance of a teenager, who after cultivating his most comical and naughty vision in his first films has begun to play...
It is becoming a regular face of teen comedies more or less hooligans. But if you dig, you may find an actor destined for higher goals in...
Pretty face of Spanish cinema during the nineties and part of the new millennium. But the handsome boy doesn’t like being the prince of stories. If you have...
Daniel Radcliffe and Harry Potter, for millions of people, merge into the same person. But from 2011, after a decade composing the character, the actor will have...
Her film experience began with the Harry Potter saga, and has spanned over a decade, during which time she has transitioned from girl to woman. Emma Watson...
When the physically most exuberant actresses tend to succeed in the cinema, Ariadna Gil has shown the importance of expressiveness and good work. This actress with slanted...
His performances are always intense and brilliant even if the film is not far behind. Thanks to that, her shy appearance and her deep gaze, Pilar...
Her natural elegance and spectacular beauty make her a great choice to play idealized and unreal women. Aitana Sánchez Gijón looks for literary or theatrical adaptations and...
A television little doctor has been her calling card to become the new queen of American comedy. The camera adores Katherine Heigl, although perhaps she would appreciate...
Her stunning beauty and air of a mysterious woman made her the ideal actress for vampire movies. Ingrid Pitt was one of the icons of the golden...