Michael Clarke Duncan, the man who worked miracles on death row in “The Green Mile,” has died. The big, 6-foot-1, 54-year-old African-American actor passed away from a...
Ben Chaplin is a true all-rounder who always adds, never subtracts. He began as a stage actor in England and has joined this task with his work...
A magnetic actor, with a charismatic smile and an enormous stature (he is 1.84 meters tall), he has shown enormous efficiency in upholding the ideals of...
He demonstrated his talent in feature films such as “Jerry Maguire”, or “Between love and the game”. Kelly Preston passed away on July 12, 2020, at age...
Martin Scorsese defined her work as “a carnival”, Henry Miller wrote that it was “preferable to any director” and Jodie Foster assures that when she was...
He had a key role in the revival of his country’s cinema in the 1970s. German actor Dieter Laser passed away on February 29, 2020, shortly...
He paid homage to classic cinema, especially with “LA Confidential”, although he was also a great heir to Alfred Hitchcock. Veteran filmmaker Curtis Hanson passed away on...
Patrice Chéreau, a prestigious filmmaker, actor and also an opera director, died on Monday, October 7, 2013, in Paris, at the age of 68, due to...
He has the occasional detractor and thousands of admirers. But nobody doubts that George Lucas is more than an artist, a true business genius. Neither movies nor companies...
George A. Romero, author of the classic “Night of the Living Dead,” considered a master of B-horror, died at age 77 of lung cancer in Toronto...
Although she has played many styles, this beautiful Australian actress feels comfortable in movies with a good dose of action and mystery, with mild terror. It is...
She was a regular face of Spanish cinema, in titles such as “Wait for me in heaven” or “Flowers from another world”, and currently had some...
Joseph Sargent was responsible for titles beloved by moviegoers such as “Pelham, 1, 2, 3” and “MacArthur, the Rogue General.” The director died on December 22, 2014,...
Great star of American television whose comic roles in Christmas movies catapulted him to fame during the 90s. His filmography does not include great works but...
He stood out above all in the theater, as an actor and director, but in cinema he played numerous secondary roles. Gerardo Malla, father of actor and...
She was an icon of the ‘nouvelle vague’, described by Orson Welles himself as “the best actress in the world”. She starred in titles such as “The...