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Born in June 1959 in Jalisco, the delivery had to be assisted in his own home because his parents, Checo Pérez’s grandparents, could not afford to go to a hospital to give birth.

Of humble origin, during his childhood he did not have his father present, so Antonio and his brothers grew up solely under the care of Juanita, their mother. It was not until years later that he was able to meet Rafael Pérez Gómez, the grandfather of the Formula 1 driver.

Despite the fact that he is now a successful man, Sergio ‘Checo’ Pérez’s father began working as a baker, bolero or taxi driver. It was during his time as a mechanic that he began to fall in love with the automotive world, something that he later transmitted to his offspring.

Although Checo is the most famous, his two brothers are also related to the motor world. Paola became the first woman in Mexico to be the manager of a professional Formula 1 driver, and Antonio has become NASCAR champion in the United States.

Antonio Pérez Garibay also began a short but intense career as a car driver, competing in the Daytona 500 and being the national champion of the Marlboro Cup in 1987. A back injury after suffering an accident forced him to retire, so his new course would be as a representative of pilots like Adrián Fernández and Tomás López Rocha.

In 2015, he entered politics with the Nueva Alianza party with the purpose of being a candidate for mayor of the Mexican city of Guadalajara, although he has currently changed his purpose. After the 2021 elections, he was elected as a deputy of the Moreno party for the state of Jalisco until 2024.

But the political aspirations of the father of the Formula 1 driver Sergio ‘Checho’ Pérez do not end there, since in the year 2024 he will intend to present himself as a candidate for governor of Guadalara with the support of López Obrador
