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After winning Survivors, Jorge became a collaborator on programs such as ‘ Fiesta ‘ and ‘ Ya es mediodía ‘, where he has become a partner of Alba Carrillo. From the first minute, the great chemistry between the two was noticeable, which led to a night of kissing and fooling around in November 2022.

While Jorge and Alba became the protagonists of hours and hours of television, Alicia Peña Humada, wife of the winner of ‘Survivientes’, remained silent.

As he says on his website, he was born in the town of Elecha de Valdivia, a town in Palencia. “Since I was little I helped my family with the agricultural work, I knew what effort and perseverance are,” is how she describes her childhood and adolescence.

But Jorge Pérez’s wife decided to move to Madrid to study Law and Business at the Antonio de Nebrija University. In addition, she complemented her training with a Master’s Degree in Banking and Financial Markets in Santander and in 2005 she began working at Caixabank.

In 2010, he married what until now he has defined as the love of his life, with whom he has had four children. « I always dreamed of this beautiful family that we have created and I give thanks every day for it », she says on her website.

The great change for Alicia Peña Humada came in 2016, when her mother was diagnosed with cancer. After a bad moment, she decided to learn the most about the disease to try to help her cure.

At that moment his life changed completely, so much so that he is currently fully dedicated to being a motivational coach. It is common to see her giving talks for large companies, events and she has even written three books: ‘You are your super power’, ‘I master my power’ and ‘The victory of the superhero’.

Until 2020 she was a true unknown, but her role in ‘Survivors’ defending her husband Jorge was crucial to her victory. Her command of the word and her spontaneity made the public adore her.

Jorge and Alicia form a very established couple after 12 marriages and four children: Martina, Mario, Marcos and Marlon. Is your relationship in danger after the slip of the collaborator with Alba Carrillo ?
