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7 things you need to stop doing now

Life is too short to be wasted on stuff that is not important so here is a list of 7 things you need to stop doing now



Life is too short to be wasted on stuff that is not important so here is a list of 7 things you need to stop doing now

  1. Stop thinking about what other people think of you: What others think of you is none of your business or responsibility, let people do their stuff while you do yours.  You may never progress if you are hooked on what others think of you because humans are insatiable and always demanding.
  2. Stop acting as if you are powerless, take responsibility: one of the most important things I learned from reading books is taking responsibility for one’s action. Stephen Corey explained it as been proactive. that is choosing to act not as a reaction to other people actions, or based on a particular situation  but acting based on one’s will after thoroughly assessing the situation.
  3. Stop trying to control everything, uncertainty, and spontaneity are part of life: It will be to your advantage if you understand that some thing are outwrightly beyond your control, you just have to enjoy the uncertainty and spontaneity that comes with it. One of the way to improve our life according to Corey is enlarging our circle of influence, and there is no way you can enlarge  your circle of influence when you focus on things that you cannot control.
  4. Stop comparing yourself with others, compare yourself with who you are yesterday: One of the reason for high rate of loneliness and depression in this age is unnecessary comparison (primarily due to social media and the internet). when you compare yourself with others you just mount unnecessary pressure on yourself because first of all, you dont know what that particular individual is going through in private. you then compare your whole existence  to best part of someone life t
  5. Stop trying to do everything, you can’t pick your specialty and zone in: There is an old age that says  ‘A jack of all trades is a master of none’. A lot of us waste our time and energy trying to do many things at once, thinking busyness is synonymous to productivity. Times without number, research as shown that someone who is a specialists tends to be effective than a generalist in any field.
  6. Stop doubting your self, build clarity don’t underestimate your self: According to  a psychological research, Self-doubt has killed more dreams than failure ever will. A lot people have not been able to harnees their potential due to self doubt and fear, funny enough everyone is scared but the most successful people among us are the ones who have the best grip on  how they respond to fear.
  7. Stop seeking perfection, Just do it: This does not imply you do things with complacent attitude, you should always put in your best in everything but never expect the perfect outcome. If you keep seeking perfection you will never get anything done.
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