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7 simple ways to make him miss you like crazy

You probably in love with him, and you want your love to grow healthier in his heart, then this is for you; wise ones said that absence and longings make the heart grow fonder.



7 simple ways to make him miss you like crazy

You probably in love with him, and you want your love to grow healthier in his heart, then this is for you; wise ones said that absence and longings make the heart grow fonder.

Let’s face it, who doesn’t want to be missed by their guy?

Whether you have a thing for this new guy, are in a committed relationship, or wanting to make an ex jealous the key is making him miss you. Luck follows you today, as we will discuss 7 simple ways to make him miss you like crazy.

1. Don’t be available all the time

Like seriously, if you’re spending all of your time apart sitting by the phone and waiting for his messages or calls, then you aren’t even giving this guy a chance to miss you.

We get it, you love talking to him and want him to know that.

But, now’s your chance to make him miss you.

Turn your phone on silent, or even place it out of sight. It depends on how tempted you might be to respond straight away.

Make him wonder every now and then about what you’re up to and why you aren’t responding. It’s healthy for the relationship.

Plus, it always helps to put a bit of time between receiving a message and writing your response so you can craft the best reply possible. It’s no secret that we make mistakes and say things we don’t mean when we let our emotions get involved and act hastily.

So, how long should you wait?

Well, how long is a piece of string? There’s no set in stone answer for this one.

2. Be the first to end the conversation

After making him wait, he will eventually contact you if he really likes you. Always be the one to hang up the phone and let him be the one to send that last text.

The key is to keep him wanting more of you. Because you ended the conversation, it will make him contact you first because he feels the need to continue your conversation.

3. Spend more time on your beauty

This isn’t funny, guys really like gals who are beautiful; now is the time to pay more attention to you. Physical beauty is very important to make a man miss you.

So exercise daily, eat healthily and wear attractive clothes. If needed, change your hairstyle. When you look nice, he is going to want to be with you and will miss you. 100 per cent!

4. Leave a signature

To make the longing for you in his heart waxes stronger, always leave a signature behind; without doubt, you want to find something that will remind him of you, even when you aren’t alone.

By triggering his feelings for you when you aren’t even around, he’s going to start missing you then and there. So what exactly is a signature? There are plenty to choose from:

  • Certain phrases you use.
  • The way you speak.
  • Your favourite food.
  • A scent you always wear.
  • Your favourite colour.

However, the most common is to choose a signature scent, as smells come with memories. It’s time to throw out all the perfumes in your bathroom and limit yourself to just one.

5. Get together in a group

I guess you both share mutual friends; you can organize a catch up for the whole group and turn yourself into a social butterfly. If your guy is there, he’ll see you laughing, having fun and enjoying yourself, and he’s going to want to be a part of it too.

However, it’s important not to rely on him in the group session. Don’t head over to him, don’t make eye contact with him. Just make sure you work for the group, he will always want to keep a  magnet with you.

In addition, you must dress the part as well. It, not a piece of news that guys are very visual creatures

6. Ask for his help

It is interesting that men thrive on solving women’s problems; if you need something fixed, or your computer is doing shit, or if you have a problem in life and you simply need some advice, then seek your man out.

A man wants to feel essential. And he wants to be the first person you turn to when you genuinely need help.

7. Use body language

Believe this, body language is an important way of getting what you want without even opening your mouth. Although to some, it sounds seductive, it is not always about sex.

Use your body language to make yourself a room in his head:
  • Mimic his movements to give the idea you’re on the same page.
  • When he tells a joke, laugh out loud and place a hand on him.
  • Use lingering eye contact to gaze at him a little longer than a friend would.
  • Lean into him when he talks and gets close.
  • Allow your cheeks to flush a little when he talks to you.
  • Offer a coy smile while talking to another person.

Most importantly, never underestimate the power of body language and just how loudly it can speak to a guy. Embrace it. Use it. Flaunt it.

He’ll be missing you in no time.

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