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5 signs of a very confident person.

Confidence has long been regarded as a positive personality trait–and why shouldn’t it be? Someone who exudes confidence appears both magnetic and impenetrable. 



Confidence has long been regarded as a positive personality trait–and why shouldn’t it be? Someone who exudes confidence appears both magnetic and impenetrable.

So here are 5  attributes of confident people.

  1. They are very certain of themselves: confident people are usually certain of their ability and their competence, they are usually at ease and are sure to handle anything that comes their way.
  2. They speak positively of other people: Confident people are never caught indulging in gossip or rumors about other people. They speak positively of other people, and whenever they don’t have anything positive to say they don’t say anything at all.
  3. They show confidence in their body language: very confident people exhibit confidence in their body language, they stand up straight with their shoulders back and also maintain a certain degree of eye contact that shows certainty and makes people feel at ease.
  4. They are great conversationalists: confident people are great at having conversations, they listen twice the time speak and according to Stephen Corey, they seek first to understand before being understood. Confident people speak up and shut up when necessary.
  5. They are very open to learning: Confident people understand the extent of their own ignorance and use it to drive their curiosity. they are quick to admit to their own ignorance and never pretend to be knowledgeable about things they don’t know.
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