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5 reasons why you should not buy Bitcoin

Yes, it’s too late to buy Bitcoin. You should have bought it years ago. In 2030 people will say it again, it’s too late now. In 2040 they’ll say, it’s too late now and so on. You get the picture.



Bitcoin City

Yes, it’s too late to buy Bitcoin. You should have bought it years ago. In 2030 people will say it again, it’s too late now. In 2040 they’ll say, it’s too late now and so on. You get the picture.

It is never too late to invest in the cryptocurrency market so here are 5 reasons why you should buy Bitcoin now.

  1. Supply and demand: Bitcoin supply is capped at 21 million by design, that is the maximum that will ever exist. 18 million are already in circulation, leaving 3 million left to be mined. What happens when there is a limited supply and an infinite demand? The price will shoot through the roof.
  2.  Market cap: The market cap for Bitcoin is $1 Trillion now, making it the 10th most valuable asset in the world. Just for reference, Google is worth 1.2T, Apple 2.2 T, and Gold is 10T but it took those a lot longer to get there compared to BTC.
  3. Scarcity: The reason gold has been so valuable and managed to rise for millennia is mainly scarcity. It’s very hard to find, mine, melt, transport, and store it. That difficulty limits the supply while the demand grows over time. Bitcoin is the same, only better. Scarce, expensive to mine, slow to produce, and impossible to fake
  4. Inflation: The biggest problem with FIAT currency is inflation. They keep printing money like there is no tomorrow devaluing it further and further. It’s estimated that for the next ten years inflation could be at least 10% a year. That means that if you have $100,000 in the bank, by 2030 it’ll shrink to $50.000 (in today’s real value)
  5. Blockchain: Bitcoin is based on the blockchain protocol by which every transaction is registered in a public ledger that can’t be altered… ever. Not the FBI, not the CIA, not Russia, not China, and not North Korea. Whatever data there is in the blockchain, stays there forever
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