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4 Effective Ways to Boost Testosterone Production Naturally



Testosterone is arguably the king of all hormones. The alpha hormone affects almost every aspect of the human body. Well, when they say, without the testosterone hormones, a person is no longer a person, they mean that not only figuratively, but also literally. The role of testosterone hormones in the male body goes further than just repairing the body itself and making you male enough.

Testosterone helps the body build the various proteins that play key roles in virtually every bodily function. This hormone energizes your body, making you stronger and better. Also reduces the risk of heart disease, helps you get adequate sleep, and treats general aches and pains. And don’t forget that the presence of this hormone gives you your super powers between the sheets, without which you would be in every way limp.

According to researchers, testosterone can also help fight the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease. One study found that there is a direct link between testosterone and cognitive ability. It may play a key role in preventing brain tissue breakdown in older men. It can also help prevent memory loss, poor concentration, and “foginess.”

So, considering all of the above benefits and those that we haven’t been able to discuss in this article, to say that testosterone is important for men would be a massive understatement. So, there are four effective ways to increase testosterone production naturally.

  • Lift heavier weights

Huge terrain lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses have a great effect on your body. Such exercise movements, when performed with heavier weights, tend to recruit large numbers of muscle fibers, which in turn makes them much stronger than the isolation exercises. These compound movements, when performed with heavier weights, put serious stress on your body. And we all know that when the body is made to work beyond comfort levels, testosterone secretions are multiplied. When you lift light weights, your muscles don’t need extra support from your body. However, if you put your muscles in a situation where the body recognizes that the muscles cannot perform their assigned task,

The experts have also endorsed the fact that weight lifting increases testosterone production and has been supported by scientific studies as well. In addition to the weight that the muscles use for the movement, the rest intervals between sets also affect testosterone production. The shorter the rest period, the more the magic hormone is produced. However, testosterone production is not uniform across all age groups, being high in young people and low in older people, as expected. However, it is better than acutely low T hormone production.

  • Eat more red meat

There is no denying that red meat is the best food item to feed your broken and tired muscles. The muscle gains and rapid recovery induced by the red meat are unparalleled. However, now you have one more reason to eat steak after your hard and intense workout. The studies have shown that it can dramatically increase testosterone production in your body. A study that compared testosterone production in a large cross-section of meat eaters and vegetarians found that the meat eaters actually had 36 percent more T than those who stuck to plant-based foods.

Another study by a Dutch group of researchers also concluded the same. To ensure maximum accuracy, the researchers selected a group of young male endurance athletes and dieted each for 6 weeks. It was found that total testosterone production decreased by 35 percent when athletes used the vegetarian diet.

Steak is also a good source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and saturated fat. And these two types of fats are the building blocks of hormone production. Without these fats, the production of hormones is almost zero. Steak is also a good source of cholesterol, which is instrumental in the chemical reaction that produces testosterone hormones.

  • Cut out the flab

The studies have found that high fat presence in your body is directly linked to low testosterone levels. Low testosterone production leads to high fat production and can interfere with your body’s mechanism for burning accumulated fat. The equation of fats and testosterone is similar to chicken and eggs. Some believe that the low levels of T cause obesity, while others claim it’s the other way around.

The link between obesity and low T levels was demonstrated in another study by the New England Research Center that undertook a study of 1,822 men. The study found that men’s abdominal bulge is the strongest indicator of low testosterone levels.

Another way in which obesity affects the production of testosterone is that it stimulates the production of estrogen hormone. Yes, it’s the female equivalent of testosterone. The more estrogen means less testosterone, the worse they get along. If the production of one has to increase sharply, the other will decrease. So if you have a belt of flab around your waist, buckle up and do whatever it takes to increase T production. Once you get it up the rest would be easier.

  • Sleep

More sleep is something that the majority of people would like to have but unfortunately fail to get that way. To achieve this, some bad habits like late-night TV series, unhealthy foods, and consuming caffeine in the evening need to be eliminated. And it’s not just the quantity you should be looking for. After all, a good night’s sleep of 6 hours is better than 10 hours spent in bed tossing and turning. One study found that just five hours of sleep can decrease T-hormone production by 10-15%. While 15% may not seem like a big deal on paper, in the gym such a difference can have a huge impact.

Also, as said, sleep quality matters. The insomnia is just as bad. Normal testosterone production requires restful, undisturbed sleep known as REM sleep. The sleep disorder can also lead to the production of the stress hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels can lead to decreased testosterone stores. So make sure you get a good nights sleep. One thing you need to do right away is stop using electronics in the darkroom. It affects your melatonin production, which controls sleep quality.
