3 High Impact Skills You Can Learn
This article contains 3 High Impact Skills You can learn

In this article you will read about three high impact skills you can learn
1. Community Building
A lot of people don’t understand the power of being able to build community, knowing how to gather and entertain an audience is one of those skills that can take you from zero to hero. literally everything is around communities and the leverage you get from it unmatch. We need to be a part of tribes, its in our human nature.
2. Writing
Writing is one of those high impact skills that flies under the radar for most people you don’t plan to sell novels or anything, so why would you pick this up. well I will tell you why, it has immense leverage you are communicating with people every day. now try to think for a seconds when was the last you didn’t have to write something a massage, a email, a description, a tweet people have made entire careers writing twitter threads writing; also has immense benefits for your own personal health, it clears your mind and helps you to see things the way they truly are when you write every day you essentially trap your thoughts into the physical plan that is a super power. The ability to articulate your points effectively saves time and resources. I love say writing is a high impact skill you can learn.
3. Coding
Everyone is doing it so why don’t you join the world is going full on tech almost everyone has a computer of some sort be it your laptop or mobile phone so technology is already part of our human existence and coding slash I.T is the future while some tech courses can be daunting giving yourself time to understand them will do magic and in end you be glad you did there several websites where you can learn coding an introductory I.T courses for free. So why not take a bite of it. Coding is the process of using a programming language to get a computer to behave how you want it to. In Python, every line of code tells the computer to do something. People who make code are called programmers, coders or developers. They all work with computers to create websites, apps, and even games. consider learning it.
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