10 things Men should never apologize for
In the world we live in, Men are literary made to apologize for everything whether guilty or not. Apologizing for an honest Mistake is very important but not everything requires an apology

In the world we live in, Men are literary made to apologize for everything whether guilty or not. Apologizing for an honest Mistake is very important but not everything requires an apology
In a world where everyone claims to be a victim of one circumstance or the other, over-apologizing can have serious consequences. Constantly apologizing makes you look weak and submissive. It also devalues important apologies you really mean.
So here are 10 things you should never Apologize for as Man.
#1. Never apologize for your opinion
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are no exception. Don’t let anyone tell you what to think. You should never apologize for having a different opinion from the rest as long as you are polite, respectful, and firm.
#2. Never apologize for Saying NO
As a man, you must never be too agreeable, you must also learn how to stand up for yourself and those around you. Nobody can agree to absolutely everything so register your displeasure whenever you are not comfortable with a decision that concerns you.
#3. Never apologize for your religion
Religion is deeply personal. Your faith is your own. You don’t owe anyone an apology despite what others might think. There is no need to explain anything.
#4. Never apologize for saying the truth
The truth can sometimes be hurtful so not everyone will appreciate you for speaking the truth, but I promise that you will feel better for it because in the long run people will respect you more for being honest.
#5. Never apologize for who you love
Maybe you love a woman your family doesn’t approve of. Maybe you love another man. It doesn’t matter. The heart wants what the heart wants. Don’t give yourself heartache by trying to live for someone else instead of yourself.
#6. Never apologize for Taking care of yourself
You can’t help other people if you are not in a place of strength. You can help other people best by taking care of yourself. Take some time off to relax and take care of yourself.
#7. Never apologize for having emotion
One of the false narratives that are circulating our world Today is that Men are not supposed to have emotion, There is nothing manly about bottling up emotion, but it is important to know how to express the emotion controlled way, and not allow them to control you.
#8. Never apologize for failure
Failing doesn’t mean you are bad. If you took a calculated risk and it didn’t turn out then nobody with a right mind can fault you. Part of pushing to better yourself is inevitably sometimes slipping up. Don’t apologize to others who are jealous because they don’t feel able to take risks themselves.
#9. Never apologize for someone else actions
It is important to learn that you can only control your actions and not the actions of others, so you are not responsible for the consequence of their action.
#10. Never apologize for being successful
Succeeding in life whether it’s financially or personally is rarely easy. If you have worked hard to get to where you are today then there is nothing to apologize for. It’s OK to take a moment and celebrate the wins. Appreciate what you have. Don’t let others make you feel guilty for anything you earn fair and square!
I hope you learnt a thing or two you should definitely stop doing as a man. Anyway, I compiled a list of 10 Blogs that can help you become a Better Man. You should definitely check it out.