10 Crypto Slangs You Should Know And Their Meaning.
Just like every other community, the crypto community has its own slang — call it language. Check out these 10 Crypto Slangs and their meanings.

It is no longer news that cryptocurrency is a form of tender, especially among the younger generation. Cryptocurrency has grown beyond personal business and investment into a community.
And just like every other community, the crypto community has its own special terminologies, slang, and even language.
So, here are 10 crypto slangs you should know before joining the crypto Community.
FOMO is the abbreviation of the “Fear Of Missing Out”. This Crypto Slang is used to describe the urgent feelings of buying a certain cryptocurrency because the trader senses an increase in price.
HODL is another popular crypto slang. It arose from a misspelling of the word HOLD on a Bitcoin forum. It is used to encourage investors to continue holding on to their crypto regardless of the prevailing market conditions.
NGMI stands for “Not Going To Make It.” In the crypto context, NGMI is used to stress the point that a crypto investor could miss a huge profit on a certain trade.
4. FUD
FUD is an abbreviation for “Fear, uncertainty, and doubt.” This crypto slang is a psychology trick used to spread doubt and fear which would cause that certain coin to drop in price.
Rekt is a popular crypto slang that means to suffer losses from coins that have dropped in value. It was coined from the English word “wrecked” So when someone loses a great deal of money from their collapsed coins, they get #rekt!
DYOR is an abbreviation of “Do Your Own Research”. This crypto slang is used to warn investors and traders to do their own research before making any investment in any cryptocurrency.
7. Pump and Dump
Pump and dump is a tactic used by crypto traders to manipulate the crypto market. The traders create the demand in the market and when the coin value goes up, they sell the coin.
8. Mooning
Mooning (or to the moon) is the opposite of the crypto slang for Rekt. It is used when a cryptocurrency is about to soar in both price and volume.
9. Whale
Whale as a crypto slang is used to describe an investor who owns five percent or more of any cryptocurrency coin.
10. No coiner
No Coiner is a crypto Slang that refers to people who don’t own any cryptocurrency or think cryptocurrency is a scam and missed their opportunity to buy in at a low price.
Interesting, isn’t it?
If you are new to the crypto scene, this article on how to earn passive income from Cryptocurrency will be helpful. Not having enough money to invest? You can learn to get free crypto from an airdrop or earn and withdraw free Bitcoin by browsing online.