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10 Calming Yoga Poses That Would Improve Your Sleep



A good night’s sleep is essential. If you don’t sleep well, you age faster and your bodily functions don’t work properly. Other problems that can arise due to lack of sleep include weight gain, dull and tired skin, and a confused mind. While we sleep, our body takes over the cellular level repair and removes harmful toxins. Therefore, it is very important that you get enough sleep for six to eight hours.

If you suffer from insomnia or sleep disorders, then doing yoga before bed can be extremely helpful in overcoming such problems. The yoga calms your mind and relaxes your body, putting you in a better position for a peaceful and restful sleep.

To help you sleep better, we have compiled a list of calming yoga poses that can solve all your sleep problems and improve the quality of your sleep as well as your life.

  • Balasana

Also known as Child Pose, Balasana is a good pose for stretching the hips, ankles, and thighs. This pose will also reduce any residual back pain or muscle fatigue you might feel after a long day at work.

With your knees hip-width apart and big toes touching behind you, sit down kneeling on the mat. Breathe deeply. As you exhale, lower your torso over your thighs. Try to stretch your neck and spine as much as possible. Try to pull your rib cage away from your tailbone and lift your skull base away from your neck.

Place your hands, palms down, on the floor in front of your torso. Release the front of your shoulders toward the floor and feel the front shoulder pull your shoulder blades well over your back. Hold the pose for 10 deep breaths. Balasana is a naturally resting pose that releases tension from your entire body

  • Vajrasana

If you have stomach problems like acidity and indigestion that keep you up at night, then Vajrasana can be very helpful. However, if you don’t suffer from a stomach problem, you’d better skip it. There are no additional benefits related to sleep.

Sit on the floor or a floor. Fold your legs and sit with your heels touching your hips. Place your hands across your lap near your knees. The palms can touch your thighs or point towards the sky. Hold the pose for about two minutes. If you are not a regular yoga practitioner, you can feel the stabbing pain in your feet. If the discomfort is unbearable, you can exit the pose before two minutes. The time can be extended with regular practice.

  • Standing Forward Bend

The standing forward bend is an extremely relaxing pose. You will feel like all the stress and tension is emanating from your body.

The starting position for this routine is the mount represent. Stand on top of the mat in a mountain pose. Inhale and stretch your arms above your head. Exhale, squeeze your abs and bend forward at the waist with a straight back. Relax your shoulders, tuck your chin into your chest, and lower the crown of your head toward the floor to form a long spine. Extend your legs as far as possible and shift your weight forward onto your toes. Hands should be placed on the floor at the sides or in front of the feet, with fingertips in line with toes. Hold the position for 10 breaths.

  • Salabhasana

The salabhasana, better known as the locust or locust pose, is a rejuvenating and restorative yoga asana. It helps in relieving stress and calming down your body after a hectic and tiring day. It stretches the spinal muscles and increases endurance.

Lie on the floor or mat on your stomach. Rest your chin on the floor. Place your toes on the floor with your knees. Now rest your hands on the floor under your hips. Position them so that your palms are touching the floor. First lift your head and then your torso, thighs and legs off the floor. Your body should be resting on your stomach. Try to balance your body in this position. If you are unable to balance your body, place two folded blankets under your thighs to support your position. The beginners can do this yoga pose one leg at a time. This will help build the necessary strength, balance and flexibility.

Stay in the position for ten breaths. However, if you suffer from knee or other multiple injuries, you should not practice this asana. Also, those who suffer from back injuries or neck problems should also refrain from yoga pose.

  • Forward Bend with Wide Legs C

This is another relaxing curve that will loosen up your shoulders and help you minimize stress and other mental stress before you go to sleep. It also provides a minor stretch in the hamstrings and lower back.

Stand with your feet three to four feet apart and your heels slightly wider than your toes. Now take your arms behind your back, grasp your fingers and form a fist by pressing the heels of your palms together. Hang from your hips and bend forward at the waist. Lift the base of the skull away from the neck and toward the floor. Relax your legs and try to shift the weight of your hips forward and balance them with your feet.

Hold the position for 10 breaths. And then pick up your quads, press your feet into the floor, and return to the standing position. Inhale as you stand up. Please note that beginners can keep their hands free and in front instead of clasping them behind.

  • butterfly pose

Butterfly pose provides a good stretch to your inner thighs, groin, and knees. It helps eliminate tiredness and fatigue from the long hours of standing and walking. It also regulates bowel and bowel movement, which can help manage stomach issues that are interfering with your sleep.

Sit on the mat with your spine erect and your legs spread straight. Now bend your knees and bring your feet to the pelvis. The soles of the feet should touch. Grab your feet with your hands. You can also put your hands under your feet for extra support. Breathe deeply. Exhale and press your knees and thighs to the floor. Make sure you lower them carefully and slowly.

Ideally and most often the next course in this exercise is to move your legs up and down like a butterfly. However, the goal here is to get a good stretch that relaxes the lower body muscles, not a strenuous workout. So we just hold the pose for 10 breaths with our knees and thighs pressed to the floor. For a better stretch quality you can stretch your arms out in front of you.

  • Seated Straddle

Seated Straddle is another yoga pose that provides relaxation through stretching. This yoga pose provides good hamstring and back stretch, which can help relieve fatigue and tension accumulated throughout the day.

Sit on the mat with about three to four feet feet apart. Remember that you should not go as far as possible in this pose. Make sure your pelvis is firmly planted on the floor as this stretches the thigh muscles better. Sit up straight with your stomach and ribs pulled in. Now keep your back straight and fold it forward at the waist. Push your chest and abdomen forward and avoid rounding your back. Slide your hands down your legs.

As you perform this asana, listen to your hamstrings and go as far as you feel, you’ll get the stretch and as soon as you feel pain while stretching, relax. Hold the pose for five breaths.

  • Head to Knee Pose A

This yoga pose is great for stretching your sides. It also activates your glutes, giving them a nice stretch that might help loosen tight abduction muscles.

Sit with your legs stretched out on the mat or floor, straight in front of you. Bend your right knee and bring the sole of the right foot with the inside of the left thigh and the heel of the foot as close to the body as possible. Also, make sure your right knee and thigh touch the floor. Inhale and engage your core so that you are sitting straight and upright. Exhale slowly as you bring your torso down over your left leg.

You can either rest your hands on the floor, place them on the leg, or wrap them around the left foot. You can choose any option that feels comfortable to you. Stay down for 30 seconds and return to the sitting position. Now repeat the entire routine with the other leg.

  • bridge pose

The bridge pose is perfect for relaxing your front thighs and core. It also helps relieve tension in your back. Another benefit of the bridge pose is that it is ideal for treating tight muscles in the groin or pelvic area.

With your arms outstretched, lie flat on your back along the sides of your body with your palms facing down. Bend your knees and place your feet as close to your butt as possible. Now, press your palms and soles firmly into the floor and lift your hips off the floor. At this point, you have the option of keeping your palms on the floor, or you can press them under your pelvis by stretching your arms straight. You can also bend your elbows and place your hands on your lower back. And when your feet are closer to the body, you can grab your ankles. Raise your hips as high as you can and hold the pose for about 30 seconds.

  • Legs up the wall

Leg up the wall can help treat aches and pains in the tired lower back or hamstrings. This yoga pose also instills the feeling of calm throughout your body, which I think is very important after a typical chaotic and stressful day. It prepares you physically and mentally for a peaceful and deep sleep.

Place a folded blanket, pillow, or pillow against a wall. Try to sit as close to the wall as possible next to the blanket or pillow you placed. Lie on your back, place your feet against the wall with your knees bent. Now shuffle your body to the wall so your butt and lower back are resting on a folded blanket or whatever you placed against the wall.

Place your butt so that it touches the wall, with your legs straight against the wall, your heels should be resting against the wall. You can choose to place your arms next to your body or next to your head. Close your eyes and relax your entire body. Feel gravity pulling on your body. You need to hold this position for about 30 seconds.

After that, you can decide to get to your feet or you can decide to take another step that will further relieve the tension. To do this, you need to turn your body to the side, bend your knees and rest your head on the inside of your arm. Stay in this fetal position for a minute and let go of everything – fear, stress, tension and frustration.
