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10 Bizarre Underwater Creatures

The vast depths of our oceans hide a mesmerizing world filled with fascinating and bizarre underwater creatures. From vibrant colors to extraordinary shapes, these underwater inhabitants are truly awe-inspiring. If you’re fascinated by the mysteries of the deep sea, you’ll be amazed by these peculiar underwater creatures.
In this article, RNN presents a list of 10 most bizarre and unusual creatures that inhabit the depths of our oceans
1. Blobfish
The smooth-head blobfish, also known as blobfish is one of the Bizarre Underwater Creatures. Blobfish is a deep-sea fish found near Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. It is typically less than 30 cm long and lives in depths of 600 to 1,200 m where the pressure is much higher than at sea level. Instead of using gas bladders, the blobfish has a gelatinous flesh that is slightly less dense than water, allowing it to float without using energy to swim. With its lack of muscle, the blobfish feeds on edible matter that drifts in front of it, like deep-ocean crustaceans. Its squishy appearance and muscle-free body enable it to effortlessly float in the water.
2. Anglerfish
Anglerfish are a type of fish that belong to the Lophiiformes order. They have bony bodies and are known for their unique way of catching prey. They use a glowing fin ray called the esca or illicium to lure other fish, with the glow coming from bacteria they obtain from the sea. Some anglerfish, specifically those in the suborder Ceratioidei found in the deep sea, display extreme differences in size between males and females.
The males are much smaller than the females and have a symbiotic relationship with them. The anglerfish’s appearance is quite scary, and they are experts at tricking their prey. The females have a bioluminescent lure on their heads, which they use to attract prey in the darkness of the deep sea.
3. Vampire Squid
Here’s a strange creature that lives underwater called the vampire squid. It’s a small creature found in the deep parts of the ocean. To survive in areas with low oxygen, it has glowing body parts and a unique way of breathing. Unlike other octopuses and squids, it has two long filaments between its arms. Interestingly, it’s the only living member of its group, even though it’s closely related to octopuses. Initially mistaken for an octopus, it was later recognized as a distinct group.
4. Frilled Shark
This Bizarre Underwater Creatures, The frilled shark, and the southern African frilled shark are two types of sharks that belong to the Chlamydoselachidae family. The frilled shark is known as a living fossil because it has early features like an eel-like body, dark-brown color, and fringed gill slits.
These sharks are found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, usually living near the ocean floor. They feed on cephalopods, smaller sharks, and bony fish, and use vertical migration to hunt at night near the ocean surface. The frilled shark reproduces by giving birth to live young, without a placenta, and has a gestation period of up to 3.5 years. Although they are occasionally caught in fishing nets, they are rarely seen by humans due to their deep-sea habitat.
5. Gulper Eel
The pelican eel is a deep-sea eel that belongs to the Eurypharynx genus and the Eurypharyngidae family. It is considered a true eel in the Anguilliformes order, although it was previously thought to belong to its own order called “saccopharyngiforms.” There is only one known species of pelican eel, and it has been given various names, including gulper eel, pelican gulper, and umbrella-mouth gulper.
The species is named Pelecanoides because its large mouth resembles that of a pelican. The pelican eel has a unique adaptation that allows it to consume prey much larger than itself by opening its hinged jaw wide to swallow its meals whole.
6. Axolotl
The axolotl is a unique type of salamander that stays aquatic and gilled even as an adult, unlike other amphibians that undergo metamorphosis and move to land. It used to live in lakes beneath Mexico City, but these lakes were drained by Spanish settlers, leading to the destruction of its natural habitat. Today, the axolotl is critically endangered in the wild due to urbanization, water pollution, and the introduction of invasive species.
The axolotl is valued in scientific research because of its remarkable ability to regenerate limbs, gills, and even parts of its eyes and brain. Researchers have also studied its heart as a model for human heart conditions. In the past, axolotls were sold as food in Mexican markets and were part of the Aztec diet.
7. Leafy Sea Dragon
The leafy seadragon, also known as Glauert’s seadragon is a Bizarre Underwater Creature. This is a marine fish found on the southern and western coasts of Australia. It is the only member of the Phycodurus genus in the Syngnathidae family, which includes seadragons, pipefish, and seahorses. The name “leafy seadragon” comes from its appearance, as it has long leaf-like protrusions all over its body.
These protrusions serve as camouflage, not for propulsion. The seadragon moves by using a transparent pectoral fin on its neck and a dorsal fin closer to its tail, which undulate subtly to give the illusion of floating seaweed. The leafy seadragon is highly regarded and protected in South Australia, where it is the marine emblem and a focus of conservation efforts due to its remarkable camouflage among seaweed and kelp beds.
8. Yeti Crab
The yeti crab, also known as Kiwa hirsuta, was found in 2005 in the South Pacific Ocean. It has hairy legs covered in silky blond setae, similar to fur, and measures about 15 cm (5.9 in) in length. This crustacean earned its nickname “yeti lobster” or “yeti crab” because it looks like the mythical yeti or abominable snowman. It lives near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor and can survive in harsh environments.
9. Blue Dragon Sea Slug
Glaucus atlanticus is a small, blue sea slug that floats upside down in the open ocean. It uses the surface tension of the water and is carried by winds and currents. These sea slugs have a blue side facing up, blending with the water, and a silver/grey side facing down, blending with sunlight on the ocean’s surface. This Bizarre Underwater Creature eat creatures like the Portuguese man of war and store their stinging cells for self-defense. Handling this slug can cause a painful and dangerous sting to humans.
10. Fangtooth
This Bizarre Underwater Creature, Fangtooths are deep-sea fish that belong to the Anoplogastridae family. They have a simple name derived from Greek words meaning “unarmed” and “stomach”. These fish are found in tropical and cold-temperate waters worldwide. The family consists of just two similar species in a single genus, and they have no known close relatives.
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