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Celebrity Biographies

▷ Biography of Mau Nieto ◁ Age, height, pack, girlfriend, comedian



Who is Mau Nieto?

Mau Nieto is a famous standup comedian who, thanks to his great talent and ability for comedy and making others laugh, has managed to stand out as one of the best comedians in the entire country. Mau Nieto was born on November 15, 1985 in Iztapalapa, Mexico City and currently also has a prolific career as an actor.

Personal data of Mau Nieto

Full name:  Mauricio Nieto
Best Known:  Mau Nieto
Date of Birth:  November 15, 1985
Nationality:  Mexican
From:  Iztapalapa, Mexico City
Zodiac sign:  Sagittarius
Occupation:  Comedian
Talent:  Standupero 
Height:  1.70 cm
Weight:  66 kg
Raza:  Latino
Eye color:  Café
Skin color:  Moreno
Hair color:  Café
Sexual Preference:  Heterosexual

Biography of Mau Nieto

Beginnings in the life of Mau Nieto

Mauricio Nieto, better known as Mau Nieto in the world of television entertainment; was born on November 15, 1985 in Iztapalapa, Mexico City, Mexico.

Mau Nieto  has expressed in interviews that since he was very young his taste for comedy was born, and for always seeking and finding the other side of things. So we have that since he was a child he wondered things like why do people ask stupid questions? why do you queue at the bank? Or why such a state is called like that?

The artist Mau Nieto  has also described himself in his childhood and adolescence as the “funny guy” at school and among his groups of friends. He refers that he used to stand in the middle of his classroom and imitate the teachers, or make his classmates laugh with the things that happened to them at school, having an innate facility for finding the funny side in different situations.

Trajectory and history of Mau Nieto

It was in 2012 when, as a simple hobby  , Mau Nieto began to get on open microphones. In this regard, he tells us that in the profession or artistic career of a comedian, one cannot assign all the credit to oneself, since the support and collaboration of more people is always needed. And it was thanks to this preference for teamwork that he began to make his way into the world of fame. Thus he tells us that the public liked his interventions so much that comedians already positioned in fame asked him to open their shows due to his great talent.

Already in the year 2013 is when the artist Mau Nieto  considers that he began to make appearances professionally. Mau Nieto  assured that the fact of dedicating oneself to making others laugh is a very noble job; since in the end the goal is always for people to have a good time and have fun for a while. In addition to the fact that we cannot deny that this also helps us, as Mau Nieto himself says, to see the positive side of life, even in the darkest situations, where we learn through the work of comedians like Nieto to change the glass with which we look at the situations that are presented to us. This is how we learn that everything has a positive side, even to which Mau Nieto seeks to find a funny meaning so that, in addition to having fun, the public can identify with it.

Regarding what he likes most about his work, in addition to what we have already expressed previously, the artist has commented that he never stops writing, and he does not consider himself good enough either, always keeping in mind that the next show may be the best. . This also helps not to lose ground and always stay close to people, that is, avoid being blinded by fame.

Regarding his creative process, Mau Nieto explains that the show he is currently presenting has been on the scene for two years, with the same structure to which he adds or removes details and things that occur to him in each presentation. Which lets us know that also within this comedian profession, improvisation is a very important aspect.

For Mau Nieto , his staging turns out to be a stand-up full of anecdotes and experiences that both he and people close to him have had. And it is to those same experiences that he adds short jokes that end up making the viewer see the funny side of the situation. In this part, Mau Nieto expresses that he always follows a structure that leads one thing after another. He also tells how he adds improvisation in this creative process in order to make people laugh and have fun. This is how he turns distractors such as: a sneeze, someone getting up to go to the bathroom, or a glass of water falling into part of the show.

Regarding the stages in which he has enjoyed being the most, the artist Mau Nieto points out that those that fall into this category of favorites have been: La Caja Popular in Querétaro (where he also adds that he has always felt a good vibe and welcome), and the one in what is known as Plaza Condesa, where he had the opportunity to open the Sofía Niño de Rivera show.

Regarding his artistic preparation, Mau Nieto says that in order to relax before going on stage he always drinks one to two beers, yes, he stresses that he has never been on stage while intoxicated, since that Sounds like a fatal idea. He also has the habit of carrying a notebook in which he notes the titles of each and every one of the topics that he is going to address. And 20 minutes before being put on stage, he dedicates himself to rehearsing.

A curious fact that the artist has confessed is that he suffers from stage fright, and thus he walks from one side of the dressing room to the other, and suffers, in his words, “a kind of black out” in which everything is erased from his mind. However, once on stage, things change radically and he takes the reins of his show. Mau Nieto  always tries to have fun because he explains that people realize it, so they also have fun and that is how his shows turn out to be a success.

Another confession of the artist Mau Nieto is that he has a special predilection for the city of Querétaro, since he considers that places such as the so-called Caja Popular have been in charge of contributing significantly to the growth of his show, and as a consequence, this has attracted more standup comedians looking to break into the world of fame. To mention a few names we have: Daniel Sosa, Alex Fernández, O’Farril, Carlos Ballarta, Roberto Flores, El Chaparro Salasar, and Sofía Niño de Rivera among others.

As additional data on Mau Nieto ‘s personal life, we have that he is a very movie buff, coming to see one to two films every day, among which he has mentioned as favorites: Back to the Future, Forget Paris and Trapped with no way out; and his favorite film director is Quentin Tarantino, and also coming from the world of cinema, he has a phrase that is almost a law of life for him and whose author is the famous Charles Chaplin : “A day without smiling is a day wasted” .

In addition to his passion for cinema, we also know that Mau Nieto  really likes the music of The Beatles, and that he likes reading, his favorite book being the one entitled The Unbearable Lightness of Being, authored by Milan Kundera. As for his scope in the show, he is a fan and acknowledges the work of well-known comedians like Louis CK and Mike Birgilia.

Until relatively recently, Mau Nieto was the center of controversy due to some jokes that have been considered misogynistic. After the scandal, the artist has offered an apology for the misinterpretation of these jokes, whose original intention was to add humor to the situation that women are currently experiencing to show their support, since at no time did he want to be the aggressor.

Among the most memorable appearances of  Mau Nieto on television have been “Stand Up Without Borders, El hormiguero MX with Mauricio Mancera , Comedy Central Presents: Stand up, Bar Central, Mau Nieto: Living sober… from the bar, I survived””, among others.

Mau Nieto’s girlfriends

As far as his love life is concerned, what we know so far is that he is in a relationship with a young woman named Carla, although the artist Mau Nieto tends to be somewhat reserved about these aspects of his life.

Pack de Mau Nieto

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Mau Nieto pack or for photos in which he can be seen scantily clad or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Mau Nieto pack other than those photos. that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is Mau Nieto’s fortune?

This is one of the questions that people ask themselves the most about Mau Nieto and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Mau Nieto within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent they have and what they have done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Mau Nieto will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around him, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have on his life, career, history and biography of Mau Nieto.
