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▷ Biography of Daniela Berriel ◁ Actress, age, height, boyfriends, photos



Who is Daniela Berriel?

Daniela Berriel is a Mexican actress and host who, thanks to her great talent, has managed to stand out in various television projects such as Las Malcriadas, Mujeres Rompiendo el silencio, Un día cualquiera, among others. Daniela Berriel was born on February 7, 1994 in Mexico City and her name became more relevant when she accused actor Gonzalo Peña of being an accessory to rape . 

Personal data of Daniela Berriel

Full name:  Daniela Berriel
Best Known:  Daniela Berriel
Date of Birth:  February 7, 1994
Nationality:  Mexicana
From:  Mexico City 
Zodiac sign:  Aquarium
Occupation:  Actress
Famous for:  Series and soap operas
Sisters:  Valeria and Cecilia Berriel
Height:  1.60 cm
Weight:  50 kg
Raza:  Latina
Eye color:  Café
Skin color:  Blanca
Hair color:  Café
Sexual preference:  Heterosexual

Biography of Daniela Berriel

Beginnings in the life of Daniela Berriel

Daniela Berriel has stood out in the world of entertainment as a model and television host. Her participations have focused on the sports area and she has also acted in some series, soap operas and programs. She is a young actress who is known to have two sisters: Valeria and Cecilia Berriel.

Trajectory and history of Daniela Berriel

Among her most outstanding works we have the program Mujeres rompiendo el silencio, whose theme has the objective of motivating Mexican women and giving them the necessary tools to face current problems.

Initially, he appeared in some episodes of the series Un día cualquiera, which was broadcast between the months of August and October of 2016. He was also part of the cast of the soap opera Las Malcriadas, which was broadcast between 2017 and 2018.

Las malcriadas was a Mexican telenovela produced by Joshua Mintz and Ana Celia Urquidi for TV Azteca, starring Sara Maldonado and Gonzalo García Vivanco, with the antagonistic participation of Rebecca Jones and Ernesto Laguardia and with the performance of other great entertainment figures such as Carlos Torres, Ivonne Montero, Cynthia Rodríguez , Alejandra Ambrosi, Juana Arias and Elsa Ortiz.

Daniela Berriel accuses Gonzalo Peña of rape

The name of Daniela Berriel returned to the media when at the beginning of 2021 she accused the actor Eduardo Ojeda of rape, a friend of her ex-boyfriend Gonzalo Peña , whom she also accused of being an accomplice to sexual abuse.


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According to what Daniela Berriel recounted , in 2020 she was in Acapulco, and Eduardo abused her, finding Gonzalo Peña in the same room where everything happened, without doing anything to stop his friend. This statement generated a wave of support for the young actress, who she is grateful to all those who shared the news and are helping her do justice.

Although it is true,  Daniela Berriel commented that it was not easy for her to file a complaint in Acapulco Guerrero, in March 2020, because like most, if not all women who are unfortunately victims of sexual abuse, she was in a position where she was prey to fear and insecurities, on the one hand because of the tremendous psychological damage that this crime entails, and on the other because she also feared that there would be reprisals from those involved against her sisters.

We currently know that Eduardo Ojeda has already been arrested and is paying for his actions in jail, but justice is also seeking to go against Gonzalo Peña for his complicity in the crime.


Following the statements of  Daniela Berriel to reconstruct the facts, we have that the young actress was on a trip to Acapulco accompanied by Gonzalo Peña after having ended their courtship. Everything happened on the date of March 14, 2020; when she, after having arrived in Acapulco and after talking for a while with other people who had attended the trip, she was finally left alone with Gonzalo and Eduardo, not knowing what she expected.

Opening up in an interview, she said that when they were alone, the two men began to talk about threesomes, and she confessed that it was something she had never done, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, and confessing that at that time she was somewhat drunk. Feeling somewhat ill from the effects of the drinks, Daniela Berriel  decided to go to her room to lie down for a while, and in her own words, not even two minutes had passed when she already had Eduardo and Gonzalo on top of her, abusing her. .

She got up and went to an armchair that was in front of the beds, Gonzalo remained lying down while Eduardo began to follow her harassingly. According to  Daniela Berriel ‘s account , Eduardo left the room for a while, but later returned to commit her sexual abuse of her. This is how the young actress reconstructs the facts:

“I got up, went to bed, he followed me and I told him to leave me alone…after begging me, he left the room. I fell asleep, I woke up because they were already penetrating me, Eduardo was raping me. When I realized it was him I was shocked. I curled up next to Gonzalo, I was already awake and if he wanted to continue raping me he was going to have to use force, he came over and pulled me. He told me that he hadn’t finished yet, he started hitting me and started yelling at Gonzalo, to which Gonzalo got up very angry and told him “Why are you angry if you just finished it off? ”

As soon as she was alone the next morning, Daniela Berriel packed her bags and took a taxi to a friend’s house. That same morning of March 15, she made the complaint and followed all the examination protocol, and she went through the ordeal of having to tell the terrible story several times. However, the Guerrero State Prosecutor’s Office asked for patience because they were about to close due to the health emergency crisis, which would undoubtedly delay the case and the application of justice.

What we know so far about this case is that Eduardo Ojeda is the owner of the house where they had stayed on that trip to Acapulco; His arrest did not take place until a few days ago, as the case had remained stagnant, but thanks to social pressure from networks and the media, the Guerrero state police decided to act. And we cannot ignore what was most likely the trigger for all this support, and that is that after a year had passed since the rape, Daniela Berriel was in a very bad psychological state and tired of her ex-partner, Gonzalo Grief, continued to send her messages, so overcoming her fear that her attackers would retaliate against her sisters, she posted a video on her Instagram account in which she publicly denounced the facts.

After the scandal broke out, Eduardo Peña was arrested on Sunday, March 7 of this year, and is waiting to be transferred to Acapulco for a judge to decide his fate. Meanwhile, the Prosecutor’s Office also reported that they are going to investigate the participation of more people in the crime to take them to the judicial authorities. Televisa, for its part, has decided to suspend the production in which Gonzalo Peña participates until it fully understands what happened.

Although, so far, no acts of reprisals against Daniela Berriel’s sisters are known, the actress has announced that after making the complaint, Eduardo Ojeda tried to hack her WhatsApp account, which is interpreted as a kind of harassment.

However,  Daniela Berriel also affirms that after overcoming her fear and making the Instagram video, she felt that she had gone up a big step, that she had come a long way in the digestion process of such a terrible act as the one she was the victim of, and now he begins to feel a lot of peace knowing the main aggressor, Eduardo Ojeda, arrested and paying for his crime.

As a consequence of this, other women began to have communication with  Daniela Berriel to express the abuse that they were also victims of at the hands of Ojeda and  Gonzalo Peña .

Pack of Daniela Berriel

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Daniela Berriel pack or photos in which she can be seen scantily clad or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Daniela Berriel pack other than those photos. that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is the fortune of Daniela Berriel?

This is one of the questions that people ask themselves the most about Daniela Berriel and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Daniela Berriel within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent they have and what they have done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Daniela Berriel will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around her, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have in life, career, history and biography of Daniela Berriel.
