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▷ Biography of Alex Campos ◁ Age, height, wife, children, career



Who is Alex Campos?

Edgar Alexander Campos Mora , better known in music as Alex Campos , was born on September 10, 1976, in Bogotá, Colombia. He is one of the most important exponents of Christian music in the world, winner of great recognitions and awards such as the Latin Grammys .

Personal data of Alex Campos

Full name:  Edgar Alexander Campos Mora
Best Known:  Alex Campos
Date of Birth  September 10, 1976
Nationality:  Colombian
Zodiac sign:  Virgo
Occupation:  Singer
Fathers:  Pablo Edgar Campos and María Mercedes Mora Forero
Brothers:  Luis, Wilson and John Campos Mora
Sons:  Juanita Campos and Simon Campos
Height:  1.70 cm
Weight:  61 kg
Raza:  Latino
Eye color:  Café
Skin color:  Moreno
Hair color:  Café
Sexual Preference:  Heterosexual

Biography of Alex Campos

At a very young age, Alex Campos was very devoted to attending church with his family and although he saw it as something routine and of no great importance in his life, it was when he turned 12 that he began to like being close to the word. of God because at his young age he slavishly believed in everything that was said in the masses.Alex Campos was like any other child his age, he liked to go out and play with his friends, he went to school and it could be said that he had a normal life, however he always had concerns about music, so much so that when there were parties or family reunions Alex Campos always entertained them by singing and delighting them with his peculiar voice, also when there was some kind of talent or singer contest at his school, he always signed up because he did not miss any opportunity that life gave him in the that he could demonstrate his vocal skills and what he was capable of doing with his melodic voice.
As he was a boy who loved music, in addition to his great admiration for God, he noticed that in the church where he attended there was a choir of young people who sang prayers and praises, so he did not hesitate to be part of the choir, Alex Campos would play the flute and sometimes had brief moments where he sang alone. When he was 17 years old, he decided that he would dedicate his life to speaking about the life of God to everyone he could and would use music as the instrument to spread the word of the Lord, since that was the mission that according to his words was the one for which he had come to earth.

Alex Campos has three other brothers named Luis, Wilson and Jhon Campos Mora; Alex is the oldest of the 4 , however, he comments that in his childhood he lived in a dysfunctional family and many economic deprivations: “I grew up unfortunately in a dysfunctional home which brought disappointments and mistreatment, this situation generated many difficulties, especially economic ones that they forced us to make decisions and responsibilities to help support the house” he commented in a recent interview.

Alex Campos decided that he would launch himself as a singer and in each of the songs he did he would not tire of praising God and thanking him for everything he has given him. However, he decided that he would use modern music like rock music but taking up the characteristic sounds of his native Colombia.

Musical career of Alex Campos

Once he turned 17 years old, Alex Campos formed the band called “Misión Vida” with which he made his first songs, although they did not manage to take off as much as he would have hoped, so when he turned 20 he decided to leave the band he had formed and started a career as a soloist, released the first album with which he would become known called “Tiempo de la cruz” , which earned him a tour throughout Colombia.

As Christian music did not receive much support from any transnational record label because they did not consider religious music as a profitable business, Alex Campos decided in 1998 to form the Christian music label Misión Vida Records MV Records with which he was initially launching several talents that caused a stir in the community because they brought very avant-garde sounds and musical styles for their time when Christian music generally only consisted of very simple songs with very classic sounds.

Alex Campos lives a miracle from God

In 2002, when everything seemed to be going well in the life of Alex Campos, he began to have problems with his vocal cords and after a medical check-up they gave him the bad news that he had a tumor in his throat which had to be removed. immediately so as not to cause further havoc in his life, however the operation turned out to be very delicate since Alex Campos ran the risk of losing his voice and not being able to sing again.

Alex Campos, assured that God did a miracle in his life, since one day before the operation, he decided to pray to Jesus and composed the song Al taller del maestro, in which he took from his heart all his feelings in relation to the operation and everything that was living. A day later, when he went to do the last medical exam to finally be operated on, he noticed that the tumors had disappeared because they no longer appeared on the x-rays, nor did the doctors themselves give credit to what they were seeing and Alex Campos assured that it had been a miracle of God.

In 2005 his album Como un niño would arrive , from which he decided to record two video clips of the songs “Sueño de morir” and “Quiero” , with the CanZion label, who had been interested in the singer’s talent for years and had signed him within of their ranks. In 2006, Alex Campos released his live album, “Acústico, El sonido del silencio” . recognition by nominating it as the best Christian album.As if that were not enough, he was awarded six Arpa Awards and five Vertical Awards from his native Colombia for this magnificent album.

In 2010 he released the album Lenguaje de amor, produced by Juan Blas Caballero, which again got him nominated for the Latin Grammys in the Christian Music category, but finally it was this year when he did take the statuette and win, thus becoming one of the greatest exponents of this musical genre because having a medal like this gave greater importance to his career. Later the albums “Derroche de Amor” and “Momentos” would arrive, with which SONY Music turned to see him and for the first time the world-class record company decided to give him the go-ahead to sign him as one of its exclusive artists.Moments is an album in which Alex Campos recounts many passages of his life as well as the admiration and gratitude he has for God and his family, stories that he decided to capture in each of the songs on said album, which has the musical support of Christine D’Clario, Coalo Zamorano, Karina Moreno, Gadiel Espinoza and Verónica Leal , mixed by award-winning producer Kiko Cibrián who also co-produced one of the previously unreleased songs, “Enséñame a Amar”. In addition ,  Alex Campos began to have even greater success than other Christian music figures such as Redimi2 ,  Christine D’Clario ,  Evan Craft , Un Corazón , among others.

Already with four Grammy Awards to his credit and musical career and demonstrating that he is one of the great exponents of the urban genre, in September 2019 he released the single TODAY in collaboration with Indiomar, belonging to the album “Soy Soldado” in which for the first time Alex Campos decided to merge his music with the urban genre.

“Alex reaffirms with this song that the most important thing in life is to have united families, healthy lives and, above all, a vertical relationship with God. Failing is part of life, but forgiving must also be. Every human being will experience the need to ask for forgiveness and the urgency to forgive” , commented Alex Campos in a recent interview.

In his long career , Alex Campos has collaborated with great exponents of music, such as in the songs: “ Soy Soldado ” with Redimi2 , “ Respiro tu nombre ” with Israel Houghton, “ Lo que buscas de mi ” with Marcos Brunet, “ Yes I am with you ” with Barak, “ Deus ” in collaboration with Thalles Roberto, “ Mi Fiesta ” with Silvestre Dangond, among other great songs that have been an icon in the music of Alex Campos.

In 2020 Alex Campos released the single “Cara a Cara” a song where he tells us about how despite being a failure and living through very ugly and pain-filled things, you can find relief for your soul if you approach the word of God. At the same time, he confessed and told how Alex Campos, who lived a hard time in his life suffering from a “very severe cardiac arrhythmia” for which he was about to undergo surgery, however, he said that what happened was “a miracle ”. “While there (in the hospital) I cried, my heart overflowed with God. Two hours later the specialist comes and says: -I don’t feel that you have to be operated on. You’re fine, you can go home today-” , he said. 

Surprisingly, and after an hour after worshiping, the specialist entered his room to tell him “we are going to let you out, I don’t think you need an operation” . Campos expressed that “I believe in miracles, I am a miracle from God, you are a miracle from God. Simply in those moments where you get such devastating news, I invite you to run into the arms of God, there you just don’t need anyone, run to him and pour out your need on God, he is willing to help you, to hear your cry out and heal you ”, that was the message he left his followers minutes before leaving the hospital.

After the success of the concert “Al Taller del Maestro”, the Colombian singer, Alex Campos arrived with a new single “Vivir con Él”, which was part of his album ” Renovado ” in 2021. “Vivir con Él” was a song that It originally appeared for the first time on his well-known album AL TALLER DEL MAESTRO in 2002, with a very characteristic pop sound of the decade; now it comes dressed as a ballad with an extraordinary string arrangement, which ALEX CAMPOS himself feels with emotion as a great musically rich soundtrack and he even dared to add a new part to his lyrics. Mixed by Kiko Cibrian, and produced in conjunction with Javier Serrano and Juan Botello.

Wife of Alex Campos

On March 22, 2004, he decided to take a big step in his life and said yes to his girlfriend Natalia Rodríguez, with whom they had been in a long relationship but finally decided to get married because God had put it that way for them.
Inspired by his wife, Nathalia Rodríguez, Alex Campos has composed hits like “Tu poeta” and “Bendita mujercita” and the bolero “Enséñame a amar” . The couple are still together to this day, showing that love conquers everything and with whom they have formed a beautiful family by having two beautiful children named Juanita Campos and Simón Campos for whom Alex has also composed some songs.

Alex Campos scandals

Alex Campos was sexually abused

In 2019, the singer Alex Campos gave a statement that would shake all his followers, as he assured that he was sexually abused by an arepa seller in his childhood. When he was a child, Alex Campos, seeing that his family had many economic deficiencies, agreed to go on weekends to the house of the arepa seller who was located at the exit of the church he attended on Sundays, since in this way the Lord He gave him a few pesos for his service and Alex gave it to his mother to support the household economy since his father did not contribute much.

The man who sells arepas was a Christian like them and he was always very positive and very good to everyone in the congregation, but it was only a facade since inside his house he spoke ill of others, used profanity and talked about sexual matters. “He began to touch me, he began to do things and I felt abused, I felt dirty and I felt bad even though he told me that this is what parents normally do with their children ,” said Alex Campos when talking about his experience of sexual abuse .  Alex Campos affirmed that he decided to speak about it so that if someone else is living through a similar case they can report it because he considers himself an instrument of God to give a voice to all those who cannot do so or are not heard because they are not public figures.

Alex Campos is singled out for singing with a Catholic

Álex Campos received several criticisms for having performed a duet with fellow singer-songwriter Martín Valverde, who is Catholic at the fourth congress of the Scholas Occurrentes project, held at the Vatican on February 4, 2015.

Faced with the wave of criticism that Alex Campos received, he commented to all his detractors: “The first thing I thought (upon receiving the invitation to go to the Vatican) is to say no, so as not to cause trouble and controversy; I also consulted with some friends and leaders, including my pastor, and they answered me with a question; ‘What would Jesus have done?’ , says Campos and responds: “I would have said ‘yes'”.

Pack of Alex Campos

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Alex Campos pack or for photos in which he can be seen scantily clad or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Alex Campos pack other than those photos. that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is the fortune of Alex Campos?

This is one of the questions that people ask the most about Alex Campos and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Alex Campos within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent they have and what they have done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Alex Campos will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around him, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have on life, career, history and biography of Alex Campos.
