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▷ Biography of Rocío Sánchez Azuara ◁ Age, height, husband, children, programs



Who is Rocío Sánchez Azuara?

Rocío Sánchez Azuara is a famous journalist and television host who, thanks to her great talent, has managed to stand out at the helm of numerous talk show programs such as Cosas de la vida, Acércate a Rocío, among others. Rocío Sánchez Azuara was born on June 27, 1963 in San Luis Potosí and is currently considered one of the best television hosts in all of Mexico.

Personal data of Rocío Sánchez Azuara

Full name:  Rocio Sanchez Azuara
Best Known:  Rocio Sanchez Azuara
Date of Birth:  June 27, 1963
Nationality:  Mexicana
From:  San Luis Potosi
Zodiac sign:  Cancer
Occupation:  talk show host
Talent:  Journalism
Former spouses:  Jorge Leon, Carlos Lara and Jose Luis Santiago Cuetos
Sons:  José Arturo and José Luis, Daniela (†)
Height:  1.70 cm
Weight:  60 kg
Raza:  Latina
Eye color:  Verdes
Skin color:  Blanca
Hair color:  Café
Sexual preference:  Heterosexual

Biography of Rocío Sánchez Azuara

Beginnings in the life of Rocío Sánchez Azuara

Rocío Sánchez Azuara was born in Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, on June 27, 1963. She studied at the Normal Superior School of Tampico, shortly after her life would take a 180 degree turn when she had the opportunity to have her own television program on TV Azteca.

Trajectory and history of Rocío Sánchez Azuara

In 1999 Rocío Sánchez Azuara  released her first talk show called Cosas de la Vida , which in that year had a very good rating; However, it would soon be threatened by the competition made up of shows like Laura en América and the one known as El show de Martha Susana, its strongest rival being the program Hasta en las mejores Familias, from the production company Televisa.

However, Rocío Sánchez Azuara did not give up and decided to face the competition, resulting in popularity that earned her 3 consecutive years of success on TV Azteca.
In 2003 she was the host of another program called Cuenta Conmigo and shortly after another would come to light under the title of Al otro lado del espejo.

In March 2004, he separated from TV Azteca and joined Telemundo, moving to the United States, where in 2007 he would premiere the program with the same name Rocío , which would be recorded in Miami, Florida, and in which we can find many similarities with Things of Life. That same year  Rocío Sánchez Azuara was recognized with the Glaad award, being well received by the Spanish-speaking public in the United States. But her program would end in 2008 given the loss of rating with the rivalry of the programs called El Show de Cristina and Laura en Acción.

In 2010, already finding himself on Mexican soil again, it is known that he was in talks with Televisa to bring his program to light and compete with Laura de Todos from the host Laura Bozzo . But it happened that at that time Laura Bozzo had a lawsuit with TV Azteca and left the television station; Upon learning of this, Rocío Sánchez Azuara decided not to accept Televisa’s offer and returned to work for TV Azteca in October 2012, re-broadcasting the famous program Cosas de la Vida for another few years until it went off the air again. 

At the beginning of 2021, the Mexican journalist Rocío Sánchez Azuara returned to the small screen but now on the new television station “Imagen Televisión” with her new project entitled ‘Acércate a Rocío’ , a talk show in which people could go in search of help if They are going through some injustice, curiously on TV Azteca they tried to compete with them by premiering the program “Mimí Contigo” being Mimí de Flans the host although only three days after its premiere she was diagnosed with COVID-19 for which Carmen Muñoz had to replace her until your recovery.

A few weeks after the premiere of the new program by Rocío Sánchez Azuara , it was discovered that several of the stories presented were false because a show program discovered that one of its panelists had already participated in another program and with another name: “In the third show ,  Rocío Sánchez Azuara presented a case where there is a panelist who looks a lot like… We found out that in 2019, Alejandra was not called Alejandra nor did she have problems with her son using drugs because she became a pilot with Judith Grace who called ‘Like life itself’ and Mrs. Alejandra appears”, they commented.

Boyfriends and husband of Rocío Sánchez Azuara

Rocío Sánchez Azuara married Jorge León, father of her son Jorge Arturo, at the young age of 18. She however she would soon be divorced from this marriage. Until relatively recently,  Rocío Sánchez Azuara has confessed that the main reason that led to the breakup of her first marriage was the physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her husband, which began to intensify 2 years after the birth of her firstborn.

Opening her heart about this rugged period of her life, the host Rocío Sánchez Azuara  recounted different impressive anecdotes, such as when she recounts the time when Jorge León took a long time to return home, when Jorge Arturo was barely three months old, and that when he finally arrived and she worriedly asked him where he had been, what he received as an answer was a cruel beating that caused him a serious injury when opening the caesarean section thanks to which his first child was born.

The driver Rocío Sánchez Azuara  recounted that, being in a state of shock, she could not do anything at that time other than curl up on the floor while her husband came out again without giving her any explanation after hitting her. She spent a long time without saying a word to her family about what happened due to the shame and fear she felt; until a cousin of hers, who was practically her neighbor and knew about the situation, encouraged her to confront her husband.

Jorge León disappeared from Rocío Sánchez Azuara ‘s life , and she raised Jorge Arturo practically alone. She has also confessed that Jorge León suffered from epilepsy and was addicted to alcohol, although she was not aware of these conditions until they were married, when her husband had an epileptic fit on one occasion when they were leaving a restaurant; and at that time she was so scared that she was in shock without knowing what to do or how to react.

Shortly after, he accompanied him to the doctor, and he recommended that he give up alcohol due to his epileptic condition, however, Jorge León refused and never complied with the medical instructions. After this stormy marriage, some time later, Rocío Sánchez Azuara  decided to give marriage a second chance and remarry, this time with the composer Carlos Lara, father of her daughter Daniela, who lost the battle against Lupus and now rests in peace.

Rocío Sánchez Azuara said that she decided to end her marriage with the composer when, thanks to a telephone receipt, she discovered that before marrying her he was already married to another woman.

There is no doubt that Rocío Sánchez Azuara is an example of integrity and courage for the world. And after these failed marriages, she now gave love a third chance with the Brazilian Marcos Omatti, father of her youngest son named José Luis. This last marriage is the longest in Rocío’s life, since they were together from 2006 to 2015, when they filed for divorce after an alleged infidelity by the Brazilian.

For a while he was linked in a loving relationship with Luis Chávez, also a member of his program Cosas de la Vida; However,  Rocío Sánchez Azuara has never spoken about it, neither to confirm nor to deny the rumors, and the relationship that she maintains with him shows that they are only good friends and coworkers.

The death of the daughter of Rocío Sánchez Azuara 

She is the mother of three children named: José Arturo, Daniela and José Luis. We know that her daughter Daniela was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus at the tender age of 12, and unfortunately died from this condition in 2019. After her death, Rocío Sánchez made a statement about her biological father, Carlos Lara, of whom he affirmed in an entertainment program that he would send condolences to the composer on the death of their daughter, but that this did not mean that he was thinking of returning to his side, it was rather to be at peace. Since as they say “father is not the one who breeds but the one who breeds”, and Rocío Sánchez Azuara, putting this famous colloquial saying into practice, has stated that who she considers to be the true father of Daniela is José Luis Santiago Cuetos ,

José Luis Santiago Cuetos is a former partner of Rocío Sánchez Azuara, and who, in the words of the driver, took charge of taking care of Daniela and supporting with the high medical expenses that a condition such as Lupus entails, while Carlos Lara, the biological father, never showed up. And this is something that will weigh on his conscience throughout his life.

Undoubtedly, the loss of her daughter has been a severe blow in the life of Rocío Sánchez Azuara, but this woman, who on numerous occasions has shown us to be an example of courage and bravery; She has mourned her since that fateful August 18, 2019, expressing exactly one year later in an interview how Daniela’s last moments were, who fought for 20 years against her terrible disease.

Rocío Sánchez Azuara tells us that her daughter transcended into the other world when she was in the middle of planning a surgery in which a kidney would be transplanted. When they already had the donor, and they were in the preoperative studies, a heart attack surprised Daniela, ending her life.

Currently, Rocío Sánchez Azuara is overcoming the terrible pain that the loss of a child entails, and although it is something from which she can never fully recover, she has stated that she firmly believes that souls return to the places where they have always been. they felt welcome, and that is why they consider that their daughter did not die, she only transcended to another plane of existence, but they are still united by that strong bond that unites mothers with their children. She thus makes it known in an emotional message after the death of her daughter. 

Pack of Rocío Sánchez Azuara

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Rocío Sánchez Azuara pack or photos in which she can be seen with little clothing or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Rocío Sánchez Azuara pack other than those photos that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is the fortune of Rocío Sánchez Azuara?

This is one of the questions that people ask the most about Rocío Sánchez Azuara and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Rocío Sánchez Azuara within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent he has and that I have fact that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Rocío Sánchez Azuara will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around her, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have in life, trajectory , history and biography of Rocío Sánchez Azuara.
