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▷ Biography of Mauricio Abad ◁ Age, height, pack, girlfriend, novels



Who is Mauricio Abad?

Mauricio Abad Mengoni , better known only as Mauricio Abad, is a famous actor of series and soap operas who has stood out in projects such as ¿Qué le pasa a mi familia?, Princesas, Like la leyenda, among others. Mauricio Abad was born in Lima, Peru on July 20, 1997, but it was in Mexico where his acting career began to take off and become more successful.

Personal data of Mauricio Abad

Full name:  Mauricio Abad Mengoni
Best Known:  Mauricio Abad
Date of Birth:  20 julio, 1997
Nationality:  Peruvian
From:  Lima Peru
Zodiac sign:  Cancer
Occupation:  Actor
Talent:  acting 
Famous for:  Series and soap operas 
Height:  1.73 cm
Weight:  70 kg
Raza:  Latino
Eye color:  Verdes
Skin color:  Blanca
Hair color:  Café
Sexual preference:  Heterosexual

Biography of Mauricio Abad

Beginnings in the life of Mauricio Abad

Mauricio Abad was born on July 20, 1997 in Lima, Peru. He grew up in that country until he was 17 years old, at which time he himself recounts that the opportunity to travel to Mexico came into his life. However, he faced the problem that his parents were not in favor of the idea of ​​him moving away from Peru.

After a series of problems with his family due to this decision, we know that Mauricio Abad  had barely passed his 18th birthday, already of legal age and able to make decisions about his life without any problem before the law, he carried out his wish to go to Mexico In his words, by this time he was already very clear about what he wanted to do with his life: follow the path of fame and dabble in show business as a model and actor. So it was that he packed his bags, he abandoned his university studies in Communications at USIL; and finally Mauricio Abad  left Peru.

Mauricio Abad  says that in Mexico he had a warm welcome, and he feels grateful for the good reception that Mexicans gave him as a foreigner. He has also highlighted that one of the things he likes most about Mexico is that it is a very large country, with a large area, but, in his opinion, also opportunities in the world of fame and entertainment. .

Regarding his feelings towards his homeland: Peru. The actor and model Mauricio Abad  tells us that given the opportunity to work on a project in Peru, he would not say no. But he refocuses on the reality that he hasn’t been offered any show business opportunities in his home country yet, and he didn’t leave anything undone either. However, he has sincerely said that he would love the idea of ​​working in his country, which he visits in all the vacation periods that occur towards the end of the year.

Regarding his feelings and opinions about the situation of artistic, television and film projects in Peru,  Mauricio Abad expresses that he feels they are stagnant, that there is a lot of artistic talent but it is difficult for them to get support from the government, specifically from the Ministry of Culture.

He has also told us that he has liked soccer since he was a boy, and that he became part of the Federation of Sports University.  Abad , the taste for playing soccer is similar to the taste for acting, since, in his opinion, it gives you the opportunity to express your emotions with style. However, he also emphasizes that at the moment he is more than focused on the world of screen acting and does not intend to move from there.

Career and history of Mauricio Abad

Regarding his artistic career, we know that he has stood out for having an excellent participation in the telenovela produced by Televisa known as Like, the legend. Regarding his personal experience, Mauricio Abad tells us that the casting selection began during the months of August to December of the year 2019.

At that time, Mauricio Abad was working in a modeling agency, where the director spoke to him about the producer Pedro Damián, known for the success of his novel known as Rebelde (or RBD, as these acronyms are also known). the name of the musical group that came to light given the fame and trend that marked that soap opera); same production as with Like, the legend will have a new adaptation of its original plot.

In this regard, Mauricio Abad tells us that he could not believe the idea of ​​working for Pedro Damián, but knowing that this was an excellent opportunity that would boost his artistic career, he decided to accept the proposal and began to prepare for Pedro’s casting auditions. damien.

The actor confesses that it was a challenge for him, but he did not give up in his search for a song or dance for the casting. We know that, at least for this telenovela, Mauricio Abad designed three castings, the last being in which it was decided who was left and who was not. In this regard, Mauricio Abad has expressed that this means great tension and intense stress, since the casting is divided into a total of 3 stages, a lot of uncertainty is generated as to whether or not it will go to the next stage. In total, the Peruvian actor lived through 6 months of horrible uncertainty and despair, but when they finally told him that he had been accepted, he tells us that this news generated “a very nice feeling.”

Regarding his experience , Mauricio Abad  tells us that he felt very well received by those who would be his stage partners, and that in addition to Mexicans, he had the opportunity to live with people of other nationalities (a total of 16 to be more exact), which without a doubt it meant very enriching moments for his life and artistic career; because he was able to know what the lifestyle of these people was like in their homelands, what they did before dedicating themselves to acting and the different stories in which they told him how they had reached that moment in which they were already chosen as casting or official cast were sharing their experiences with him, in warm and entertaining conversations.

But it has not only been the acting community who have given Mauricio Abad an excellent welcome in our country; The Mexican public has also been delighted with the work of this young and attractive Peruvian actor.

Thus,  Mauricio Abad tells us that the rating of the soap opera Like, the legend is between 2,500 and 3,000 views, and there is even talk of renewing the project for a second season. We know that they gave the cast a period of rest to recover energy, after which the option is being considered that instead of the traditional transmission of Televisa productions it is now in a completely digital format or “streaming” in the style of platforms. like Netflix and Amazon Prime.

This decision is based on the fact that it has been considered that the soap opera is aimed at a young audience between the ages of 11 and 19, very similar to the successful soap opera Rebelde, with the difference that it is currently difficult for viewers to adolescents watch television as such, and rather enjoy their favorite dramas in applications like the ones mentioned above on the screens of their cell phones, tablets, or laptops.

Another important point to mention is the notorious similarity between the character played by Mauricio Abad , known as Ulises Reyes, with his personal life. In this regard, the actor says that a friend has told him on several occasions that the characters come to the actors for a reason, and that by playing Ulises he has learned a lot from him.

Mauricio Abad  ventured into the theatrical world of Mexico with the play entitled Niños lindos, premiered on the date of February 5, 2019 and whose plot focuses on a story with dramatic overtones that revolves around a love triangle whose members are homosexual.

After being away from melodramas Mauricio Abad  returned to the ranks of Televisa in 2021, under the production of Juan Osorio for the soap opera ¿Qué le pasa a mi Familia? which initially generated quite a stir due to the drastic change it suffered in its cast and which was finally starred by Eva Cedeño and Mane de la Parra , who led the cast of the story that mainly touched on the themes of the value of family and love of the mothers In the soap opera What’s wrong with my family? Mauricio Abad played Alan Barba del Olmo .

Diana Bracho , César Évora , René Casados, Rafael Inclán, Gaby Platas , Julio Bracho, Emilio Osorio , Gloria Aura, Julián Gil, Mauricio Abad, Lisette Morelos , Wendy de los Cobos among many more completed the distribution of the plot which finally saw its premiere in February 2021.

Pack by Mauricio Abad

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Mauricio Abad pack or for photos in which he can be seen scantily clad or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Mauricio Abad pack other than those photos. that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is Mauricio Abad’s fortune?

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Mauricio Abad will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around him, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have on his life, career, history and biography of Mauricio Abad.
