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▷ Biography of Mario Sierra Moncada ◁ Influencer, age, height, boyfriend, son of



Who is Mario Sierra?

Mario Sierra Moncada is a famous influencer and internet star who became famous thanks to his viral videos where he showed his eccentricities, expensive purchases and the life of a young millionaire; added to the peculiar way of talking about him and expressing himself considered “strawberry”. Mario Sierra Moncada was born on February 22, 1992 in Mexico and is the son of Iván Roberto Sierra Medel, a Mexican general who was appointed ambassador of Mexico to Guyana during the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Personal data of Mario Sierra

Full name:  Mario Sierra Moncada
Best Known:  mario sierra
Date of Birth  February 22, 1992
Nationality:  Mexican
From:  Mexico City
Zodiac sign:  Fish
Occupation:  Influencer
Fathers:  Ivan Roberto Sierra Medel
Famous for:  Videos on TikTok and instagram
Height:  1.75 cm
Weight:  62 kg
Raza:  Latino
Eye color:  Verdes
Skin color:  Blanca
Hair color:  Café
Sexual Preference:  Gay

Biography of Mario Sierra

Mario Sierra Moncada was born on February 22, 1992. He is the son of Iván Roberto Sierra Medel, a Mexican general who was appointed ambassador of Mexico to Guyana during the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto. He is known in the world of entertainment for the blog called The Golden Life, whose content focuses on showing the public an extravagant lifestyle typical of a “jetsetter.” This term refers to a person who spends his time traveling the world and knows places where most people want to go, such as: Shanghai, Bangkok, Havana, the Swiss Alps, Miami, Orlando, Paris, and New York, among other cities.

Although Mario Sierra Moncada   showed in his videos the life he has full of luxuries but without belittling others, for the vast majority of the Mexican population, the lifestyle that Mario presumes to have is frowned upon, and many question that the son of a soldier (even a very high-ranking one) can afford that lifestyle, in addition to pointing out his high exhibitionism as a clear sign of a lack of empathy and humility in a country where people who live with economic problems or in poverty They represent a large part of the total population.

Trajectory and history of Mario Sierra

In addition to The Golden Life blog , Mario Sierra Moncada has stood out for his intense activity on the Instagram social network, where he shares numerous photos in which the objective is clearly to display his lifestyle full of luxury and money. These publications have caused a lot of controversy and among the critics he has been described as lacking in empathy and humility. But in recent times he has been the target of the scandal due to some photos in which he appears in the Presidential General Staff, in the Executive Branch of the United Mexican States, and in the Secretary of National Defense, places that he supposedly could not go. have access.

But  Mario Sierra Moncada  has justified his appearances in these places with the high rank that his father held in the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto; in fact in June of the year 2018, to be more specific with a date of the 25th; raised a huge controversy after the publication by Professor Simón Levy, who was the head of the Investment and Development Promotion Agency of Mexico City, and shared a photograph where Mario appeared aboard what many thought was the presidential plane .

However, Eduardo Sánchez, who was the spokesman for the Mexican Presidency, clarified in this regard that the photo had been edited later and that Mario Sierra Moncada  had never set foot on the presidential plane. Regarding this controversy, General Roberto Sierra ruled denying the rumors and assuring that his son had never been on the presidential plane . After the article published on the internet news network known as Vanguardia, where his extravagant lifestyle exhibited on his blog was reviewed in detail, and they quoted the words of Simón Levy, which gained importance due to the historical and political moment that was living in our country with the proximity of the elections.

Here we present what Professor Levy said: “When you vote this Sunday, remember this reality: remember why the presidential plane carries military children; Remember that military children shop at Louis Vuitton. That is your reality. Do you leave yours or do you dare to change it?

Along with these words, he made three photos appear in the publication where Mario Sierra Moncada showed off in the supposed presidential plane, in addition to showing off his luxuries in clothing, buying the most expensive brands internationally. After a few hours of having published this Vanguardia article; Mario Sierra Moncada closed all of his accounts on the social networks of Twitter and Instagram, we also know that he deleted a good part of the photos of him on his Facebook profile, and finally he deleted his blog The Golden Life, although only temporarily. momentary

However, this did not prevent many of his photos from being downloaded by numerous users who made them viral on social networks, a few days after the presidential elections were held in Mexico. 
Later  Mario Sierra Moncada  clarified that he never got on the presidential plane, and that it was all part of his “his character”, which he explained was created by himself as part of his performance as an influencer.
“I don’t know the presidential plane and it wasn’t a replica plane either, it was inside an events room in a sports car, I think it’s Deportivo Hípico, in Mexico City in a room that pretends to be an airplane, but it’s not a replica plane , nor is it the real presidential plane” he emphasized to the media.

Predictably, instead of astonishment, the criticism that rained down on him showed outrage, accusing him of using his father’s influences and resources to lead such a life of extreme luxury.

Mario responded to the criticism by explaining the photos most mentioned by users. In one where Mario Sierra Moncada   appears next to his father and has a helicopter owned by the Mexican Air Force as a background, the influencer explained that it was actually an old helicopter helmet that is only used for display purposes. While of the photos in which he shows off his purchases of clothes from the most expensive brands internationally, he assured that it is part of the work he does in collaboration with those brands, whose production companies are sometimes very kind and give him details like the ones he boasts in his photos.


Later, being aware of the political situation in the country and his father’s vulnerability due to his high rank, he offered a public apology addressed to his father. In which he noted that he “has an unblemished career”, being a doctor by profession, who had risen to the rank of general through his own merits, not leading troops in battle, but saving lives in hospitals.

He also assured that his father had spoken to him about the controversial photo, and had pointed out that it was a mistake to put a false location for the photo. He told him that every action has consequences, and that what he should do was apologize to the Mexican people, and ensure that something like this would never happen again. Subsequently, he emphasized his profession as a marketer with a specialty in strategic planning, advertising, and the media. And when he started with his blog posts, brands began to take an interest in him, and hire him as an influencer and ambassador.

Then he would explain that he never made the decision to permanently close or delete his blog, but that what had happened was a server collapse because it did not have the capacity to receive so many visits in such a short time. So in a matter of time she would again have easy access to the page. The same would happen with his social networks on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, where he would shortly return to posting as usual.
And he responded to the criticism of those who asked him why he did not use his influences and resources to help those most in need, saying that he was related to and supporting different non-profit organizations that are dedicated to charitable works, in this regard he mentioned the projects from “Mexico smiles”, “Full table, happy heart” and “Ministries of Love”.

Despite all the scandals, Mario Sierra Moncada continues to show his life full of luxuries on his social networks as well as on tiktok and has gained so much fame as an influencer that he has even made videos with television and music stars and was even invited to the “La Saga” program with Adela Micha.

Mario Sierra Bundle

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Mario Sierra pack or photos in which he can be seen with little clothing or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Mario Sierra pack other than those photos. that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much does Mario Sierra earn?

This is one of the questions that people ask themselves the most about Mario Sierra and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are any estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Mario Sierra within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent he has and what he has done. that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Mario Sierra will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around him, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have in life, career, history and biography of Mario Sierra.
