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▷ Biography of Luis Ernesto Franco ◁ Age, height, pack, girlfriend, children, wife



Who is Luis Ernesto Franco?

Luis Ernesto Franco Tiznado, better known only as Luis Ernesto Franco, is a Mexican actor and producer who has excelled in various television and film projects such as “Grandma’s Birthday, Grandma’s Wedding, False Identity, Ungovernable, Señora Acero”, among other. Luis Ernesto Franco was born on December 21, 1983 in Tepic, Nayarit and  in 2022 he married his girlfriend of Russian origin Roza Laven.

Personal data of Luis Ernesto Franco

Full name:  Luis Ernesto Franco Tiznado
Best Known:  Louis Ernest Franco
Date of Birth  December 21  , 1983
Nationality:  Mexican
Zodiac sign:  Sagittarius
Occupation:  Actor and producer
Talent:  acting
Wife:  Roza Laven (2020 – present)
Ex girlfriends:  Marimar Vega (2010 – 2018)
Sons:  0
Height:  1.70 cm
Weight:  69 kg
Raza:68  Latino
Eye color:  Verdes
Skin color:  Blanca
Hair color:  Rubio
Sexual Preference:  Heterosexual

Biography of Luis Ernesto Franco

Beginnings in the life of Luis Ernesto Franco

From a very young age, Luis Ernesto Franco had a taste for acting, he remembers that he always spent his time playing at being other people and when he saw something on television he saw himself in it and dreamed that one day he would be the one on television starring in it. great movies.

“I am an actor because since I was a child I was a fan of [the film] ‘My poor Little Angel’ and of all the ‘set ups’ I did against thieves. I saw it more than 50 times. When I understood that it was fiction and that the movies were They acted and they weren’t like the videos that were recorded at weddings or birthday parties, it was that I discovered that that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up”.

Luis Ernesto Franco had a childhood full of deficiencies, which is why he even had to work as a car cleaner to be able to meet his expenses: “My first job was washing the cars of my family and neighbors, on Saturdays and Sundays at my house with a cousin So we had to spend what we wanted at school during the week . ” He was a national motocross champion from 10 to 12 years old and then he wanted to try motocross, but he wasn’t that good anymore so he gave up on it.

When he turned 18, Luis Ernesto Franco decided to leave his home state to live in Mexico City because he knew that this is where the main opportunities to go far in acting were. He soon began his studies as an actor at TV Azteca’s CEFAC Actoral Training Center, being a student of renowned teachers such as Raúl Quintanilla, Héctor Mendoza or Dora Cordero.

When he finally finished his studies, he was working on independent theater plays, highlighting “I hate you”, written by Ximena Escalante and directed by Dora Cordero, his teacher, but in a short time he began to have more relevance by appearing in several Azteca soap operas, which it certainly made his popularity just skyrocket.

Trajectory and history of Luis Ernesto Franco

The first works of Luis Ernesto Franco and for which he became known in Mexico and several Latin American countries were thanks to the TV Azteca soap operas where he had various participations, from small appearances to having important roles within the main plot. Some of the novels in which Luis Ernesto Franco participated were ” The Gardener’s Daughter, Dreams, Top Models, Life Champions, Without Shame, Secrets of the Soul, Stolen Lives and Open Heart” , among others.

The Mexican actor starred with great success in the Telemundo superseries Señora Acero: La Coyote , and then he was also called to be part of the fifth season due to the great acceptance that his character had received, but he confessed that he did not have a real friendship with anyone from the Cast: “Apart from Felipe Restrepo, who I already knew from a previous project and we became good friends, I finished the project, I went to Morelos for a month to make a movie and then I returned to Los Angeles where I live, so I lost contact with my colleagues. And honestly I’m not much for making friends on set or at work, I always have the party in peace with them and with respect, nothing more.

Luis Ernesto Franco worked with Sylvester Stallone in 2017 , as the international star was the producer of the reality show that the Mexican actor led alongside Inés Sainz and which was called Ultimate Beastmaster. ” We talked with Sylvester Stallone and Dave Broome, since they are the producers of the project. We had a meeting and closed all the details ,” he commented on how he was called to be part of this Netflix project and that due to the success he had another version in Mexico.  Kate del Castillo premiered the second season of the series Ingobernable, this September 14 on Netflix. The Mexican actress shared credits with Luis Ernesto Francowho had an important role in the plot playing Santiago Salazar D’Olhaberriague.

In 2018 Luis Ernesto Franco and Camila Sodi were the protagonists of “False Identity” the Telemundo series in which both by fate were forced to escape the city where they lived and to do so they had to become a false marriage, but both exemplary and consolidated. The series had acceptable success for the television network, confirming the second season in 2020 and then a rumor began that both actors were dating but they took it upon themselves to deny it.

In the cinema, Luis Ernesto Franco has also stood out in several films such as ” What we could be, Perfect obedience, I don’t know whether to cut my veins or leave them long, Tlatelolco, summer of 1968, Colosio The murder, The misfits, Three pieces of love in a weekend” , among others.

Los Güeros was a company that Luis Arrieta together with Luis Ernesto Franco created to direct and create films and audiovisual projects with the support of young students from the Tecnológico de Monterrey who have been a key player in making films such as “Behind Power, What we could be, Grandma’s birthday and Grandma’s wedding ”, among others. Luis ArrietaHe knows that as a producer he must be responsible and that he must prepare the new generations. Thus, when a student from this university finishes his studies and has a film in mind but perhaps does not have the capital or does not even know where to start, Luis along with his production company Los Güeros supports them to carry out their work, which if they are good, takes to the big screen.

In 2020, the sequel to the hilarious Mexican production “Grandma’s Birthday” came to Netflix with great success . Now on the eve of her wedding, people could see the odyssey that the grandmother went through to be able to marry her faithful and beloved gardener. One of the conflicts that remained unfinished was the love affair between the brothers Daniel ( Luis Arrieta ) and Sebastián (Luis Ernesto Franco) who fought to the death for the love of Andrea ( Paola Núñez ). Among other great actors and actresses who participated were Marimar Vega, Tiaré Scanda, Rodrigo Murray, Antonio Ganoa, Martha Claudia Moreno, José Carlos Rodríguez and Susana Alexander as the beloved grandmother. The movie “Grandma’s Wedding” had an acceptable reception in theaters, butmanaged to reach No.1 of the most viewed movies on the Netflix Streaming platform in its opening week.

Luis Ernesto Franco’s girlfriends

Luis Ernesto Franco and Roza Laven

Luis Ernesto El Güero Franco was a mystery when in 2020 he released the news that he was “meeting someone”, this during the times when he was questioned about an alleged girlfriend but in January 2022 he finally announced that he had married with a pretty girl of Russian origin named Roza Laven , whom he apparently met two years ago through a mutual friend, who acted as Cupid between the two.

The actor assured that it was thanks to the fact that he went to settle in the United States that he was able to keep his life more private;  “I think that the beauty of not living in Mexico is that I have my personal life away from the cameras and when I am here it is because I am promoting projects, because I am promoting work. I have done very well, being able to divide my personal life and my work life. I didn’t get married in secret, I just didn’t make it public, which is different.”

Luis Ernesto Franco and Marimar Vega


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The actors got married in 2015, after five years of dating and four breaks in that time. It is worth mentioning that Marimar had a three-year relationship with the comedian, Adrián Uribe , who was said to be responsible for the separation due to some alleged WhatsApp messages that he sent to his former partner. It was also said that the bad mood of the actress and Luis’s machismo for not letting his wife work, ended their marriage.

The actor Luis Ernesto Franco in May 2018 made the decision to separate from the also actress Marimar Vega  and as if that were not enough, he announced that he had also become a Christian and flatly denied all kinds of gossip and said that the separation was not due to anyone more and less for everything that was said about both.

In 2020, he was again questioned about his ex Marimar Vega and he only limited himself to wishing her the best: “I can tell you that I wish her the best, whoever she is with, all I want is for her to be happy and, surely, she he wishes me the same. We get along very well, we’re not her best friends, because she’s not healthy either, but I can work with her. The proof is that we work, we meet, we greet each other, I keep in touch with her family, she has a partner, that is, I believe that the well-being wishes for the other are mutual, “ he declared at the time.

Pack de Luis Ernesto Franco

How much is the fortune of Luis Ernesto Franco?

This is one of the questions that people ask themselves the most about Luis Ernesto Franco and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know, I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Luis Ernesto Franco within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent he has and that I have fact that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Luis Ernesto Franco will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around him, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have in life, career , history and biography of Luis Ernesto Franco.
