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▷ Biography of La Bogue ◁ Age, height, boyfriends, young, before, man



Who is La Bogue?

Alejandra Bogue Gómez better known as “La Bogue” is an actress, comedian and television host famous for promoting sexual diversity since she is a transgender woman. La Bogue was born on May 16, 1965 in Mexico City and is currently considered one of the most important personalities of the LGBT community in Mexico.

Personal data of La Bogue

Full name:  Alejandra Bogue Gomez
Best Known:  La Bogue
Date of Birth:  16 mayo, 1965
Nationality:  Mexicana
From:  Mexico City
Zodiac sign:  Mayo
Occupation:  actress and comedian
Talent:  humorous
Famous for:  Influencer LGBT community
Height:  1.74 cm
Weight:  65 kg
Raza:  Latina
Eye color:  Café
Skin color:  Blanca
Hair color:  Café
Sexual preference:  Gay

Biography of La Bogue

Beginnings in the life of La Bogue

The now famous actress and comedian Alejandra Bogue “La Bogue” from a very young age always knew that although she was physically a man, her scene and inside was a woman, so her sexual identity was very well defined even when she was little. She lived with her mother and her grandmother who instilled in her great values ​​that to this day continue to be part of her person. She attended the Tepeyac school where it was completely a school for boys, so on one occasion she participated in a play and not having girls to play the role of a woman, she was Ella la Boguewho played that role and precisely that moment was the one that marked a before and after in his life because although he knew that he was really a woman when he finally characterized himself as a girl he reaffirmed his feminine identity.

Over the years and while she was a teenager, Alejandra La Bogue  began to take theater classes while at the same time she lived her identity as a woman more and more freely and in the 80’s she was fortunate to start working as an impersonator. of great music personalities such as Madonna and Cindy Lauper until she finally met Mónica Alejandra Naná, another transgender woman who supported her to expand her horizons and offer her opportunities in various nightclubs where she began to have more relevance due to her great quality as an impersonator and later in In 1985, La Bogue participated in the Youth Transvestite Values ​​contest, obtaining first place, which was undoubtedly a good omen for his professional career.

In the following years, La Bogue began to consolidate her acting career by participating in a large number of plays, appearing in quite important places and even arriving yesterday as a Female Revelation nominee from the AMCT (Mexican Association of Theater Critics) for her great quality and acting presence, however the real success for Alejandra La Bogue would come when her extravagant personality would finally reach the television screens.

Trajectory and history of La Bogue

It was in 2001 when “La Bogue” came to television screens together with Horacio Villalobos for the Telehit channel in the program “Válvula de escape” where his great sense of humor and endearing personality made him quickly win the affection of many people and public especially from the gay community who never missed any of the programs in which she appeared. At the same time , Alejandra La Bogue managed to have a small participation in the famous film Frida , a Hollywood production, directed by Julie Taymor and starring  Salma Hayek , and later she participated in some chapters of ” Woman, real life cases”.

Then Alejandra Bogue appeared in the program “From Gayola” where she played various characters in various sketches but without a doubt the one that drew the most attention was her great imitation of ” La Tesorito ” which was a parody of the singer Laura León, although she also stood out with other characters such as Tearruina Fernández, a parody of the television host Talina Fernández and Sonia Infame, a parody of the actress Sonia Infante, among others. Ella Alejandra Bogue she was participating in “From Gayola” until 206 when she finally said goodbye to the program.

Despite the fact that La Bogue and Horacio Villalobos were one of the most important dumbbells on television for the gay community, in 2017 Alejandra Bogue shook the world of entertainment when she assured that she had received very bad treatment from Horacio Villalobos and that after he They finished working together, he had taken it upon himself to discredit her and put her foot in all her projects so that she could not shine on television again.

“What people never knew and that I am going to air now, after 12 years that I kept quiet for being a politically correct lady: this man has not stopped putting his foot in me. And every time he can he tells me damn transvestite, old man, fallen from the chichis…”, expressed La Bogue , who described Horacio Villalobos as one of the rudest and most malicious people she had had the misfortune to meet.

The clarifications were made in a “Live” that he did from his social networks but the scandal became so big that he was later invited to the Adela Micha program where he continued to tell all the atrocities that Horacio Villalobos had done to him; Well, as La Bogue revealed , on another occasion she was wrong and instead of pronouncing “dog”, she said “parro”. It was then that Villalobos became enraged and told him: ” Oh, but what an asshole you are, but how good are you to hide your face” , in addition to the fact that according to La Bogue  one day he even threw it to the ground.

After the scandal and three years, calm would come because when Alejandra Bogue was questioned again about her altercation with Horacio Villalobos , she assured that despite everything she considered him a teacher: “I already believe without any pitiful tone that when I made those statements I don’t know if whether I did well or badly or what I did, but I did it and it helped me to purify myself, I released it, so the truth is that today, I consider Horacio to be my teacher, who made me known on Mexican television, but From the moment I opened my mouth, he didn’t say anything again and I don’t want to either. May God take care of her and she is doing well, “ concluded La Boguewith the subject that she hoped would be forgotten because she preferred to continue being recognized for her professional successes and not for what she would have declared a few yesterdays against Horacio Villalobos .

Later La Bogue would return to the screens of Telehit now collaborating in the Guau program together with the journalist Alex Kaffie in which topics of interest to the LGBT community were addressed and she, for her part, once again performed theater with her work I am not Madonna, but I am La Bogue, a kind of biographical monologue set to the rhythm of Madonna’s greatest musical hits. Another great moment for her career would come when she played “La Agrado” in the Mexican stage version of Pedro Almodóvar’s classic “Todo sobre mi madre”. Through this production, in 2010, Bogue once again experienced the glories of critical and public recognition.

Throughout her great professional career, Alejandra Bogue has managed to stand out as one of the most important figures in the LGBT community in Mexico and various parts of Latin America. Some of her most outstanding projects have been “Today I am nobody, Third call, I don’t know accept returns, Symphony of a memory in the wardrobe and For a shampoo, Amor de Barrio, Zuleyka Montes, Poses, El viaja de Keta, Confesiones de Madame, NosoTrans”, among many others that have positioned her in the privileged place that she is today.

In January 2021, the soap opera “Te acuerdas de mi” produced by Carmen Armendáriz and with Fátima Molina and Gabriel Soto in the starring roles premiered; the melodrama is a Mexican remake of the Turkish soap opera “La reina de la noche”.

The story of “You remember me” is based around Pedro Cáceres ( Gabriel Soto ) who is married to his boss’s daughter, however there is no love between them but he decides to live in that farce until he finally meets Vera Solís ( Fátima Molina ) whom he gets to know after a business trip, but although his greatest desire is to be with her, if the boss prevents him from abandoning his daughter, otherwise he will have no mercy on him, so Pedro gives up and leaves Vera. After several years they meet again when she unexpectedly reappears as the girlfriend of her father-in-law, unleashing from that moment on the entire main plot of the soap opera. In the telenovela “Te acuerdas de mi” the actress Alejandra Bogue “La Bogue” played Gladis, one of the most beloved characters in melodrama.

“You remember me” also had a great cast that was joined by renowned actors and actresses such as Marisol del Olmo, Guillermo García Cantú, Federico Ayos , María Penella,  Nina Rubín , Juan Carlos Barreto, Alessio Valentini, Natalia Téllez , Alejandro de la Madrid, Josh Gutiérrez , Ana Bertha Espín, among many more.

The Bug Pack

Although on social networks and on the internet people search a lot for the La Bogue pack or photos in which they can be seen scantily clad or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no La Bogue pack other than those photos. that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is La Bogue’s fortune?

This is one of the questions that people ask themselves the most about La Bogue and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is La Bogue within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent they have and what they have done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star La Bogue will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around him, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have on his life, career, history and biography of La Bogue.
