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▷ Biography of Julián Villagrán ◁ Actor, age, height, pack, girlfriend



Who is Julian Villagran?

Julián Villagrán is a famous Spanish film and television actor who, thanks to his talent, has stood out in important television projects such as ” The Ministry of Time, Operation Shrimp, When Angels Sleep, Abracadabra, Ciudad Delirio, Who Killed Bambi?, Once Upon a Time.” once but not anymore ”, among many more. The actor Julián Villagrán was born on May 24, 1973 in Trebujena, Cádiz, Andalusia and is currently considered one of the best actors in the entire country.

Personal data of Julián Villagrán

Name:  Julian Villagran
Date of Birth:  May 24  ,  1973
Nationality:  Español
From:  Trebujena, Cádiz, Andalusia
Zodiac sign:  Gemini
Occupation:  Actor
Famous for:  Series and films
Sister:  That’s Villagrán
Talent:  acting
Height:  1.73 cm
Weight:  68 kg
Raza:  Caucasian
Eye color:  Café
Skin color:  Blanca
Hair color:  Café
Sexual Preference:  Heterosexual

Biography of Julian Villagran

Beginnings in the life of Julián Villagrán

From a very young age, the now famous actress Julián Villagrán knew that she wanted to dedicate herself to acting because when she watched television she imagined herself playing characters and impersonating people other than her, so when the time came to decide Julián Villagrán did not hesitate and chose to be an actor.

Once Julián Villagrán finished his acting studies, he was ready to face any acting challenge that life threw at him because he already had the necessary bases and tools to stand out in acting and hopefully in other countries, curiously the actor Julián Villagrán was a rather shy boy and somewhat introverted, but it was thanks to acting that helped him become a much more open person.

Although Julián Villagrán was already standing out in the theater and with some participation in film and television, without a doubt, the project that catapulted Julián Villagrán’s career to a much more international level was his participation in the film “El Ministerio del Tiempo” where he played the Painter Diego Velázquez, although he was there from the first season, it was in the fourth where his character became stronger within the main plot.

Trajectory and history of Julián Villagrán

Throughout his great acting career, the now famous Julián Villagrán has participated in a large number of series and projects in which he has shown that he really has great quality to give all his characters great realism, some of the projects in which that he has sponsored have been “Father courage, The commissioner, 7 days naked, Shooting to give, The Ulises syndrome, Phenomena, The Ministry of Time, Madrid burns, The plague “, among many more.

Julián Villagrán has not only dedicated himself to acting because he later decided to bet on music, assuring that his desire to be a singer was not something that had been born spontaneously but since he was young he had always felt attracted to music, especially rock of the late 50s. His mother was part of a musical group and he was always surrounded by musicians, which is why he even learned to play the guitar.

The recognitions for Julián Villagrán have not only been from the public, which has always supported his acting career, but on two occasions he has been awarded the “Goya” award for best supporting actor, both for his participation in the film “El Ministerio del Tiempo” as in “Group 7”, both projects for the actor have been with great gifts of life, but above all they were thanks to his perseverance because at some point he said that when he started there were many actors and actresses who started on the cinema and television like him but currently they no longer exist and they retired from acting, while Julián Villagrán for his part never stopped chipping away at the stone that has led him to where he is today.

His great acting performance made Julián Villagrán establish himself as one of the most important television stars in recent years , not only because of his great passion for his work but also because of his dedication and great acting ability, which is why he also began to try his luck. in the movies, some of the most outstanding were “November, Astronauts, Elsa and Fred, 7 virgins, Welcome home, Under the stars, Imaginary, From your window to mine, Alien, Group 7, Ali, Delirium City, Open Window, Gernika, Abracadabra, When Angels Sleep, Operation Shrimp” , among many more.


Julián Villagrán is undoubtedly one of the most important actors on Spanish television and with the greatest international projection, he is an actor who, with his talent, charisma and professionalism, has played an endless number of characters with whom he has managed to conquer the hearts of all people who have ever seen any of the soap operas and series in which he has participated.

In 2020 , the actor Julián Villagrán decided to create the musical project called “Asunción” with which he intended to return to music and try to be taken as a real singer and not just as an actor who wanted to try his luck in music; “I started writing, putting words together and giving it music. It’s an experiment and a bit of a lifesaver to be creatively busy in times when I don’t have acting work. “The intention at the beginning was to make pop songs, since I wrote them by myself with my guitar, paper and pencil, but I started to put together some electronic rhythms and in the end it took a shape that I loved”, were the words with which Julián Villagrán defined his musical proposal.

Along with his musical project, the actor Julián Villagrán in 2021 played a drag queen in ‘Como Dios manda’ and although he expected criticism of his character, he confessed that he had no complex in bringing out my femininity and on the contrary with this project he hoped to break prejudices and stereotypes within a family comedy.

In mid-2022 , the actor Julián Villagrán was part of one of the most anticipated series of the moment as he participated in “Once upon a time… but no longer” , a fictional novel inspired by fairy tales and broadcast exclusively for Netflix. The series created by Manolo Caro , “Once upon a time… but no longer” was about a musical story that mixed Spanish and Latin pop classics, with a plot inspired by fairy tales. The series was starred by the singer Sebastián Yatra as well as a great cast full of great singers, actors and actresses such as; Mariola Fuentes , Mariana Trevino , Rossy de Palma , Daniela Vega ,Juan Dávila , among others.

Julián Villagrán Pack

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Julián Villagrán pack or photos in which he can be seen with little clothing or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Julián Villagrán pack other than those photos that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is Julián Villagrán’s fortune?

This is one of the questions that people ask the most about Julián Villagrán and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Julián Villagrán within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent he has and what he has done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Julián Villagrán will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around him, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have in life, career, history and biography of Julián Villagrán.
